Do you play video games and think it’s a harmless way to pass time? It’s time to reconsider and gauge if you just might be addicted–recent studies show a high percentage of the population may be obsessive gamers! Read more on the problems and how to detect if you are one!
Category: Health
Health is all about tips and advice relating to keeping you healthy and fit during your college experience. Not only does this cover the health of your body, but your mind and soul, as well. We help you by giving you tips on avoiding and treating illness, advice on healthy eating tips, weight control, tips on taking advantage of the gym, and how to keep fit while in college. We also offer plenty of tips to maintain your mental and sexual health so you can avoid burn outs, STDs and anything else college may throw your way. We want you to stay healthy and fit in all aspects of your life and we give you the tips to make it happen.

Feeling that famous freshman fifteen coming on? Gained some weight and need to lose it before spring break or the summer? Here are 4 ways to boost your quality of life and lose that freshman (or sophomore, junior, or senior) fifteen, once and for all!

If you were looking into being a vegan we have a prize for you! We’ve discovered several things you can do in order to become more educated on the a vegan lifestyle and how it might be the right choice for you! Not sure if you can handle the challenge? Find out what it takes to become a vegan and stick to it.

Think all the hott girls are dumb or all the smart guys are ugly? Think again! Stereotypes are being defied in this new study that suggests the EXACT opposite! Read this to find out what scientists have found about beauty and brains, and whether or not you should be worried!

We all know that college students smoke and drink. But there seems to be a bit of a debate as to what college students prefer and even what their parents prefer for them. Learn what students and their parents are saying about alcohol versus marijuana and what the trends are for students today.

Snowing in 49 states? Florida having unusual winter weather? Curious as to why many southern states are under a freeze attack? Read and learn more on why many southern states like Florida are having unusual winter weather this year and how to dress properly.

The stereotype that eating disorders affect only affluent, white, teenage girls no longer applies! Read more about the rise of anorexia in young men and be sure to watch for these signs if you think one of your friends is becoming man-orexic.

Ever get frustrated because you couldn’t finish studying in time to go catch dinner? Tired of the dining halls always closing before you have time to get there? Don’t feel like leaving your room to eat? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these EASY dorm recipes to get you through the week!

Study shows that the age old myth claiming beer to be the cause of the dreaded “beer belly” is false! Read more about the study that revealed the real story and what is REALLY responsible for all that extra “beer” in your belly.

Are you or someone you know being bullied or, worst, being hazed? Not sure how to define bullying or hazing? Think these things don’t happen on your campus? Think again! Learn more about both bullying, hazing and the consequences that come with both.
Sex, booze or money just can’t compare with the pleasure college students get from a boost to their self-esteem, according a new study of college students that found the desire for praise trumped other desires or needs. Read more and see if you agree with these findings!

Ladies, ever wondered the effect of crying on men? Many women believe that crying makes men feel sympathetic and more loving towards a woman. If you thought that, think again! Read on to hear all about the science behind what happens when you cry in front of your man.

For some more than others, Homesickness can play a part in your college career no matter how happy you are at school. Why we get homesick and how we deal with the feeling correlate to your happiness. It is important to figure out how to maintain optimal happiness and figure out what to do when you need some home lovin’.

Are you pregnant and in college? Wondering how you should go about handling the situation? Don’t freak out! Check out our tips on what to do when finding yourself in this situation and what to do to get the best care for you and your baby.