Does success come from careful planning or random luck and spontaneity? Can you plan for every decision you make in your life or should you let things happen naturally? Find out what to do when you are faced with big decisions and how to make the right choices for you and your future!
Category: Work

Thinking about joining an organization, but your school doesn’t offer what you’re looking for? Don’t worry! There are ways you can start up your own organization and make history on your campus. After all, we all belong somewhere, so why not create your own place?

Are you discovering traits that you possess, but dislike in other people? Often times we will find ourselves disliking the same personalities traits in others that we see in ourselves. But why is this? Why do we find discomfort in familiarity? Find out more here!

If you think first impressions don’t matter, think again! Research has shown that people make relatively accurate and persistent evaluations based on rapid observations in less than half a minute! Read more about how our mind makes a first impression and why it should matter to you as a college student.

Money can be hard to come by in college, but this guide has a few suggestions to help you get around the ever-present money problem that comes with being a student. Not sure of how to make some extra cash? Get some ideas here and start making some extra green for your wallet!

Are you REALLY happy? Do you find most aspects of your life to be fulfilling or do you think you could stand to make some changes? Do not continue living a life or doing something that is making you unhappy, make a change today by asking yourself these tough questions about your own life!

We all know social networks can sometimes be a distraction and a lot of people tend to bash them, but learn how you can take something like Facebook and use it to your advantage. Don’t have a Twitter yet? You might want to think about creating one because the benefits of social networks may outweigh the negatives.

College is more than just an institute for learning academically. It’s also a place for you to discover aspects of yourself. Learn more about the opportunities you can take to help enhance your college experience. Think you don’t have what it takes to pursue your dreams WHILE in college? Think again!

So you’ve graduated college and you’re off into the “real world.” Not sure as to what your next move is? Not sure what to expect after 4 years on your own? No need to fret. Check out some ideas as to what to do after college graduation.

If you are graduating soon and need help trying to find a place to live, look no further! With top cities and our tips you will be finding a new place in no time whether you are about to graduate, looking for jobs, or a recent grad, this article is definitely worth checking out.

Geography is one of those subjects that affects us all. So for those thinking about majoring in geography or those of you who have already gotten your degree, learn more about some career paths that may intrigue you. Not sure of your career options as a geography major? Find out what you need to know here.

These tips should help to decipher the dress code for any event you may be invited to so the next time you are unsure of what “black tie optional” REALLY means, check out our tips and you will be looking dapper in no time! From weddings to business meetings, you need to know what each type of dress code means, check it out here.

We’ve all done community service at one point or another. But how beneficial is community service work to you while in college? What are the benefits? What are the opportunities available to you? Are there different types of community service? Read and learn about the benefits of volunteering.

Eager to graduate soon? Whether you’re anxious to start your second life or you’re just tired of school, you’re probably ready to get out of college. Learn more about taking on too many credit hours and think twice before stuffing your schedule this semester.