Author: Molly Cody It’s easy to pack on the pounds in college when you’re drinking beer every weekend and getting greasy food a few nights
Category: Health
Health is all about tips and advice relating to keeping you healthy and fit during your college experience. Not only does this cover the health of your body, but your mind and soul, as well. We help you by giving you tips on avoiding and treating illness, advice on healthy eating tips, weight control, tips on taking advantage of the gym, and how to keep fit while in college. We also offer plenty of tips to maintain your mental and sexual health so you can avoid burn outs, STDs and anything else college may throw your way. We want you to stay healthy and fit in all aspects of your life and we give you the tips to make it happen.

It can be hard to choose the healthiest items on a fast food or take-out menu while in college, but sometimes you need to eat quick and you’d like to save some money and stay fit while doing so. Take a tip from food blogger, Brittany Richter, who features the best take-out items for college students on a budget who are trying to stay fit!

Need your weekly fix of news? Check out our weekly news recap, which covers all the news in entertainment, US and foreign news, and much, much more! What’s in the recap this week? Updates on Charlie Sheen, the Libyan revolution, the Dalai Lama’s resignation and how coffee reduces the risk of stroke.

If you’re like me and you have no self-control when it comes to food, how do you get around the buffets and unhealthy foods in the cafeteria when you’re trying to lose weight? Check out my tips (from one junk-food-lover to another), one how to avoid overeating and lose weight in college.

If you’re sexually active and you don’t plan on having a child any time soon, you may have thought of going on “the pill.” Before you jump the gun and start a birth control regimen, consider the following pros and cons and how the pill will affect you and your body. Find out the potential dangers and benefits of taking the pill.

Heading off to spring break means you’re going somewhere with a lot of sun and you may be indulging in some unsafe tanning practices. Find out the pros and cons of being out in the sun or tanning in the salon and why you may want to slather up the SPF instead of the baby oil this spring break!

Being in college is tough; you’re always tired, stressed out and scraping for cash. But what happens when you are tired of the dining hall and you want to eat out? Eating at a restaurant can be expensive so here are 4 tips to help you cover the bill and save some dough!

Are you constantly stressed out in college? Do you need to find ways to not only de-stress, but find downtime for yourself? Check out the top 10 ways to let loose in college from our friends at The Campus Socialite and try them out for yourself!

Spring break and summer are just around the corner, so make sure you stock up on sunscreen! Find out everything you need to know about sunscreen including when to apply, how often to apply and what other products you can purchase to protect yourself from the sun. Don’t get burned this spring break–stock up now!

Do you find yourself logging into Facebook any idle moment you have? Has it gone beyond your “cure for boredom?” A lot of college students can’t live without Facebook, but how much is TOO much? If you are struggling with a “Facebook addiction”, check out 5 easy ways to curb your Facebook usage so you can get back to having a more productive, fulfilling life!

Do you find yourself spending an unhealthy amount of time on Facebook or social networking sites? Is your digital life becoming more important than your reality? Whether scientists and health professionals agree or not, Facebook CAN be addicting! Ask yourself 4 questions to find out how addicted you are to Facebook and how you may go about changing your addiction.

Not going anywhere special this spring break? Don’t feel bummed out; if you’re not going away for spring break, there are still plenty of activities for you to do to keep you busy. If you’re spending your vacation at home, check out these 8 activities to help you relax, have fun and enjoy yourself…. even if you’re not on a beach!

Are you heading on spring break this year? Looking for a little spring break romance? Whether you’re single or taken, we’ve got the rules for you to follow this spring break when it comes to hooking up or remaining loyal to your current partner. Find out how what to do across various spring break hookup situations and follow each one to the letter!

Have you been wondering about safe sex and contraception in college? Whether you’re having sex or abstaining, you should be aware of the different forms of contraception available to both you and your partner; always practice safe sex to protect yourself now and in the future!