Traditionally, college students spend their spring break staying out and sleeping in, however, there are those students who use their time off to take a BREAK from partying.

If you’re one of the students who decided to go home for spring break this year, no need to worry.
There are plenty of other activities you can dabble in for a week that don’t involve drinking, hanging on the beach or airborne travel.
1. Catch Some Z’s
Had a tough semester so far? Take this week to really chill out and get some serious sleep.
You don’t have to be out and about every night in order to have a successful spring break. Hanging out and relaxing can ease your mind and body.
2. Exercise
Some people exercise the weeks leading up to the week of vacation; others decide to start their workout when spring break starts. For you, your week off can be the starting point to a new workout plan.
With your vacation time, you’ll have the time to start anew. Begin a workout regimen this week and allow your body to adjust to your new fitness routine properly: with plenty of sleep, lots of water and relaxation in between.
3. Pick Up A New Hobby
Now that you have the time, try learning something new or picking up a new hobby.
Ever wanted to take dance lessons? Don’t know how to ride a bike? These are activities that can really help you stay in shape; so why not try it during spring break?
4. Make That Money!
Some people go back home to work. If you had a job back home, talk to your boss before spring break and see if he/she can give you seasonal employment when you head back home. By re-establishing a relationship with your boss, you’ll open up the door to summer employment opportunities, as well.
If you’re looking to gain more hours and hold down a regular job, a seasonal position can sometimes lead to a permanent spot!
5. Serve Your Community
Spend your spring break helping others in need. Join a group or a local organization that benefits nature, young kids or even your own community.
6. Movie Nights
Not around your family too often? Miss hanging out with you hometown friends? Have a movie night every night. This a great way to catch up on old times and even make some new memories.
7. Girls/Guys Night
Speaking of hanging out—hang out with your other friends that are staying home for spring break and go out to a spa, go plan laser tag or have a sleepover.
8. Catch Up On Your Work
Sometimes it’s just too hard to make time for school work; if you’ve been stressed out from having too much work, take this time for yourself, however, if you’ve got homework to complete or an exam to study for, it’s best to get it out the way.
Set a schedule to help you disseminate the work throughout your week.