Celebrities were first running around trying to get their hands on coconut water, and now they’re investing in it! Is this just another celebrity hyped trend or is there substance to the claims? Read this article to find out why coconut water is so healthy and if it’s right for you!
Category: Life in College
Dorm life is all about your life in the dorms at college. We’re here to tell you what it’s like living in a dorm, the differences between living on and off-campus, and what to bring with you when moving in. We’ll give you tips and advice on dealing with roommates, how to get the most out of your dorm space, how to deal with problems in the dorm, tips on communicating with your RA, neighbors, how to choose your roommates and how to decide if a dorm or apartment is right for you. Anything that you would want to know about dorm life in college, we’ve got the information for you!

Friends shape who we are in varying degrees–which is why it’s crucial that we have great friends. In the age of Facebook, everyone has hundreds of friends, but this article lays out 5 types of friends EVERYONE should have. Take a quick read to see if you have all the friends you need!

Every country has their special remedies for a hangover. Check out a list hangover cures from around the world that vary in levels of weirdness and functionality. Some make sense and some are downright disgusting!

Ever fell asleep with makeup on? Think it’s okay to skip washing your face after a night of partying? Find out the reasons why shouldn’t be sleeping with makeup on and how to remove it before going to bed . . . even if you’re feeling a little lazy. Don’t let your partying get in the way of great skin!

Are you a college-gamer looking to update your collection? Looking for the perfect gift for your boyfriend or brother this holiday season? We’ve picked out the best games for you and provided you with all of the information you will need to help you choose the right game for yourself or the man in your life! Find the perfect gift here!

Looking for a great list of college movies to watch with your roommates and friends? Look no further! We have the top 5 college movies for you to watch, including some classics as well as some newer films, too! Each movie has a story to tell and something to teach you about college, life, and what it takes to step up and make life what you want it to be!

Do you ever think about what you are eating? I’m not talking about counting calories, but do you ever take a hard look at the food that you put into your body? Keep yourself healthy by evaluating your eating habits and eliminating unhealthy foods by replacing them with healthier eating habits! Get your body back on track with these tips from The Real College Guide!

It’s always awkward to talk to a friend (who is financially stable) about being cheap. It’s inevitably annoying to always pay more and lose out when hanging out with that friend because they’re cheap. This article offers advice on how to deal with a cheap friend so that your friendship isn’t doomed without having to engage in an awkward conversation!

Last week we posted about what to do when you accidentally Drunk Text someone. This week, we’re telling you how to play a little offense and prevent any mishaps while under the influence by using common sense and technology! Don’t let technology be your enemy; let it be your friend with these easy advances to help save you from embarrassment!

Think your parents know what you want for Christmas? Think again! Are you choosing items that you WANT or things that you NEED? Help your parents decide what to get you for Christmas and take a hard look at what you are asking for; do you REALLY need that iPad or would you rather have somewhere to eat in your apartment?

Thinking about transferring schools? Wondering what it takes to complete the process? Don’t know where to start?? Start with CollegeCures! Read up on what to do if you are thinking about transferring and how to do it right the SECOND time around!

Check out this article on the possibility of a three-year system of schooling proposed by Robert Zemsky, author and chairman of the Learning Alliance for Higher Education at the University of Pennsylvania. Think you can start preparing for college in high school? Read more here!

Having trouble sleeping? Can’t seem to fall sleep or stay awake at night? Are you an INSOMNIAC? Find out the symptoms here and how to treat this condition so you can be on your way to dreaming!

Trying to score an off-campus apartment? Be careful of the hidden costs! Figure out how much it is REALLY going to cost for you to live off-campus, build your budget and see if it’s the right choice for you!