Going away to university can be really exciting and living with other people who are studying like you can feel really liberating if it is
Tag: roommates

Off-campus housing enables you to pursue a college education without many of the constraints that come with dormitory living. It can also provide a fantastic

College is meant to be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, but sour off-campus roommate pairings quickly can turn it into a stress-filled nightmare. For this
![Why Your College Roommate Knows You Better Than Anyone [Video]](https://collegecures.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/why-your-college-roommates-know-you-better.jpg)
This hilarious video from Gen whY and Elite Daily digs in to explain the awesomely deep bonds of the college roommate. With laugh out loud anecdotes that range

Having a pet can be one of the most fulfilling opportunities a person can experience. However, having a pet while in college presents a few

Roommates can make or break your experience at college. You can find your new best friend, or you can discover your biggest nightmare. With plenty

When I was in college, it seemed like everybody AND their brother had a dog. Literally everyone. I was so jealous of my friends who

No matter how much advice I try to give current students about their living situations, they mostly don’t listen. OK, I get it, I’m “old”

Think you can make it through all four years of college by yourself? Think again. Your friends (or lack of) can be the determining factor of your college experience.

Oh, the joy and excitement of new love! The flowers, the attraction, the romantic nights… Pause: romantic nights can get a bit sticky in a

Your roommate has been pissing you off lately — so much that you decide to write on one of your friend’s Facebook walls and diss

Sure, we have all heard the horror stories of being assigned a random roommate. I think I have heard them all; from a roommate who

Now that you’re in college, you need to get used to living with other people. What does this mean? Respecting your roommates and following the simple rules you learned as early as kindergarten to keep the peace, remain civil and have a great year. Learn how you can be a great or better roommate following these 5 simple rules.

Thinking about living with your best friend next semester? You may want to reconsider that decision. Find out why living with your best friend could be a recipe for disaster and may have the potential to ruin your close relationship.