Having difficulties in the bedroom? Want to spice it up? Well, here are several tips for all those out there who are screaming “HELP!” College Cures has made your search a little more easier by providing the foods to the exercises that can enhance your sex drive!
Category: College Relationships
Relationships can be tough, especially in college, so we try to make it a little easier for you by giving you the best tips and advice on being in relationships, what to do when you’re crushing and how to make a relationship happen. We’re all about flirting, and have plenty of tips on hooking up, hooks up gone wrong, and how to turn a hookup into something more. We have advice on what to do/not to do in relationships, how to communicate with your partner, and how to maintain your relationship in the college environment. Of course, with love comes heartbreak and we’ve got you covered with plenty of advice on breakups, heartache and dealing with friends who are going through breakups. But it’s not just about love: we also give you tips and advice on friends, friendships and issues related to both. If you have a question about love, friendship or hooking up, this category has the tips for you.
Ever wondered where the tradition of kissing underneath mistletoe came from? Find out what mistletoe is, where it comes from, the story behind this mysterious plant, and why we still kiss when we stand beneath it! Want to kiss your crush under the mistletoe? Here are some tips on getting the job done!
What are men good for? According to an article on the Top 10 Misconceptions About Guys from CollegeCandy.com, guys are up to no good most of the time. So what is it about guys that we as women DO like? Check out my list for why we continue to date despite the facts we know to be true!
Friends shape who we are in varying degrees–which is why it’s crucial that we have great friends. In the age of Facebook, everyone has hundreds of friends, but this article lays out 5 types of friends EVERYONE should have. Take a quick read to see if you have all the friends you need!
Was Facebook your #1 website until your parents joined? What do you do now that your dad “liked” your status and commented on your pictures? Did your mom sit you down to “talk” about your inappropriate pictures? You’re not alone, read up on what to do if your parents friend you and how to respond when you see him/her on your newsfeed!
So you’re single this holiday season; BIG DEAL! While it may seem tough to get through the holidays alone (especially when it seems like everyone else has someone), we’ve got you covered with all the reasons you should be happy you are single this holiday season! Not dating anyone special this holiday season? You are not alone!
Are you a college-gamer looking to update your collection? Looking for the perfect gift for your boyfriend or brother this holiday season? We’ve picked out the best games for you and provided you with all of the information you will need to help you choose the right game for yourself or the man in your life! Find the perfect gift here!
It’s always awkward to talk to a friend (who is financially stable) about being cheap. It’s inevitably annoying to always pay more and lose out when hanging out with that friend because they’re cheap. This article offers advice on how to deal with a cheap friend so that your friendship isn’t doomed without having to engage in an awkward conversation!
Are you experiencing unrequited love? Do you like her, but you’re not sure that she feels the same way? Feeling confused as to what you should do about this girl? We’ve got five clues to help you figure out if she likes you, or if she’s just not that into you. Based on the book and film, He’s Just Not That Into You, we discover the clues that let you know how she is feeling and what to do about it!
With the holiday’s approaching, it’s amazing what some people (read: guys) think it’s OKAY to give girls! Inside is a list of 11 things you shouldn’t get a girl. Remember: It’s not applicable to all girls, but it’s a guide in the right direction. Have fun shopping for your sweetie, but do it right!
Last week we posted about what to do when you accidentally Drunk Text someone. This week, we’re telling you how to play a little offense and prevent any mishaps while under the influence by using common sense and technology! Don’t let technology be your enemy; let it be your friend with these easy advances to help save you from embarrassment!
Want to re-spark the flame? Are you in a relationship that needs a little work? Need some tips on how to make your love last? It can be hard when dating in college; you forget about courting and dating is sometimes non-existent. But if you want your college relationship to last, you’ve got to make the effort! Check out these tips on how to make your relationship last!
Think your parents know what you want for Christmas? Think again! Are you choosing items that you WANT or things that you NEED? Help your parents decide what to get you for Christmas and take a hard look at what you are asking for; do you REALLY need that iPad or would you rather have somewhere to eat in your apartment?
Meet Steph Costas; beauty expert, fitness motivator, self motivated and inspired weight training addict. An introduction to her craft and how she’ll keep our readers motivated, looking and feeling great!