So you had a bad hookup… Who hasn’t? But what happens when that bad hookup becomes even worse? Find out from our friends at The College Crush what happens when you try and take a hookup to the next level, but the person you want to be with doesn’t want to be with you. Unrequited love anyone? Read on!
Tag: hookup

Do you think you are the flavor of the week? Do you have a crush, but you aren’t sure if you are just a booty-call for the night or something more? Check out these signs on how to recognize if YOU are someone’s flavor of the week and how to go about fixing the situation.

Are experiencing a bout of unrequited love? Wondering what you should do when your feelings of lust are not reciprocated? How do you handle this situation? Read on to find out the answers to these questions and more on what to do when you are the only person in a “relationship.”

Hookup gone wrong? Looking for a remedy to your bad hookup? Read on for how to apply damage control to all different types of hookups gone wrong. Hooked up with your roommate? How about your boss or teacher? Don’t let a bad hookup take over, remedy the situation with damage control!

Trying to put together a playlist for your next hookup? Can’t seem to find a set of songs to put you or your partner in the mood? Check out our top 10 hookup songs compiled from popularity on other sites as well as recommendations from our readers! Download the songs yourself or play them directly from this article, either way, your next hookup is sure to be steamy!

Are you and your hookup buddy apart this winter break? Scared of what might be going on at home? Think things are going to be over after break? Don’t sweat it! Read up on how to maintain your hookup, even when you can’t see each other!

Do you have a huge crush on someone, but don’t know how to move out of the friend-zone? Are you looking to turn your crush into a relationship, but can’t seem to put it out here? Whatever the problem, College Cures if here to take you from crushing to dating in no time at all!

College Cures knows how hard it is to live with certain people. CC breaks it down for you with descriptions and tips on how to deal with not-so-perfect roommates! From sloppy pigs to party animals, we show you how to deal with the worst roommates out there!