Lady Gaga’s newest song “Born This Way” has inspired many, but what is the true message of the song? How does being true to yourself apply to you as a college student? Find out why this song applies to you more than you think and how to get through college by loving yourself and who you really are!
Category: Love
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Are the lines of your friendship starting to appear blurry? Not sure what to think or how to feel? Frienships can be tough on their own, but become especially difficult when feelings get involved. What to do when you are in this situation and whether or not you should jeopardize your friendship for love.
It’s age old advice that playing hard to get engages a person’s interest in you. Science finally proves it with a study conducted by psychologists. Be warned: It’s not all as easy as pretending you’re not interested! Find out what level of interest increases your odds of piquing a person’s curiosity and how to land that date!
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner so if you want a date for the big day, it’s time to knuckle down and put in some serious time and effort this weekend in order to seal the deal! If you don’t want to be alone this holiday, follow these step-by-step tips for getting a Valentine’s Day date in only 3 days!
Ever wonder why we celebrate Valentine’s Day? Better yet, Who is Saint Valentine and why should he be recognized? Read up on where this holiday comes from, who is behind it and what it really represents. Tell this story to friends, your partner and family alike for a great Valentine’s Day anecdote!
Looking for a fun way to spend Valentines Day with your significant other? Want to make it romantic but not corny? Here are some fun and romantic (not corny – we promise) ways to make your college Valentines Day the best one yet!
Does your crush tell you “I’m just not a phone person” ? If you have heard this or other similar lines, you have to ask yourself this: is this person telling the truth (or is he/she just not that into me?). Find out here about the lies people tell in relationships and how to decide whether you want to call the bluff or simply accept it.
Graduating high school? Contemplating on whether or not you should stay with your current partner? Learn about the pros and cons of keeping your high school sweetheart on your arm or letting him/her go. Are you ready to face the challenges and temptations of college with strong faith in your relationship or are you having doubts? Find out what to do here!
Finding yourself alone this Valentine’s Day? Not sure on what to do or how to keep your mind occupied? No need to worry, there’s plenty to do on Valentine’s Day and plenty of loving to go around! Learn about loving yourself and loving those who really matter on this day of “love.”
Is wanting space from your significant other a sign that your relationship is doomed? Are people in relationships selfish for wanting to spend time with themselves as opposed to together? If you think wanting or needing space in your relationship is a sign of failure, think again! Find out how and why making time for yourself is the best way to keep you and your partner happy.
In college, it’s easy to meet people, but is it the same way after you graduate? What can you expect in your love life after graduation? Will you ever find love? Of course! Graduating is a fun and an exciting opportunity not only in your career, but in your love life as well. Read on to get an up-close and personal view from real graduates on what it’s to date after college.
Who pays on a first date? Who pays on a second date? Dating etiquette can be tough; if you don’t date often, you may be uncomfortable with the issue of the bill. If you are going on a date and you don’t know what to expect or what to do when the bill comes, read up on how to settle the bill!
Need something new to do for your significant other on Valentine’s Day? Tired of the boring, tired ideas from previous years? If you are looking for something different to do with your partner this Valentine’s day, try some of these ideas to spice things up this year.
Have a friend whose cheating on their boyfriend/girlfriend? What do you do when you’re friends with the couple? You’re a bad friend for spilling the beans and a bad friend for withholding information. Find out what to do in all cheating scenarios and how to clear your conscience.