Congratulations on getting a place at college – even if it wasn’t the college of your dreams. Now that you’ve graduated to the world of
Category: Partying
Every college student likes to party, so we’ve put together the best tips to help you enjoy your down time while also keeping you safe. We promote taking time for yourself on the weekends with tips on throwing and attending parties, showing you the best food and drink recipes, how to put together the right party playlist and different ideas for themed parties. We also tell you how to avoid party drama, party fouls, and party mistakes that could have you regretting something in the morning. We try to help you avoid hangovers by promoting safe partying and even giving you tips on how to have fun without the booze. Whether you like to party or not, this category has something for every college student.

The festive season is the time of goodwill, generosity, and completely outrageous parties! Christmas is on its way and that can only mean one thing:

Now that school is back in session, our erratic summer lifestyles have come to an end. For those who are away from home for the

The Princeton Review has published their annual list of the nation’s most sober schools and Brigham Young University tops the list. New York universities dominate the list with

Classes and parties are a surefire way to meet someone that you could be potentially interested in. Think about it. You’re sort of stuck in

Spring classes are over and it’s summertime. It felt like the longest winter hit the United States. Now, you need to focus on your mind,

Finals can really take it out of you. You aren’t sleeping. You have your nose in a book and two hands on your keyboard. Your

When you enter college you’ll learn a little bit about everyone. You’ll know where they’re from, their major, why they chose your school and an

Addiction is not something to joke about. As someone who was once there, I know what you are going through. I know what it’s like

If you are a college student, than having either a Smart Phone or a tablet is an essential part of your personal property. It’s like

Okay guys, listen up. It’s that time of year again. I’m talking about something called Spring Break. You can almost feel it in the air

Like most college kids, you are probably looking forward to Spring Break. You are probably looking forward to not thinking about school for a while

I have been writing a lot about bullying lately, because I feel I need to. I feel it’s necessary. I was watching something on the

Pot is one of the most popular, not to mention used drugs in America. There are a few others drugs that come close, but marijuana