When you attend college, there will probably be a few nights where you are going out and enjoying a drink. However, no matter what the
Category: Drinks
Drink recipes, drinking, alcohol, liquor, beer, wine, champagne, mixed drinks, best recipes, cheap, simple, easy, quick, best recipes for parties, holiday drinks, themed drinks, new drinks, cocktails, unique cocktails, going to the bar, buying drinks at the bar, which drinks to buy, shots, jello shots, alcoholic fruit, partying, parties, throwing a party, what to bring to a party, alcoholic drinks, what to buy a friend for their 21st, birthdays, what to get, what to buy, how to save money on alcohol, how to save money on drinks, how to save money at the bar, hangovers, best drinks to avoid hangovers, tasty drinks, sweet drinks, bitter drinks, dry drinks, and frozen drinks.

If you’re in college, you’re probably used to late nights, partying and drinking. But it is possible to push the drinking too far and for

Wouldn’t it be great if we could party and not worry about something bad happening? Unfortunately, social events introduce opportunity for the ‘bad seeds’ to

The Holiday Season is a joyous time to celebrate, appreciate what we have, and reconnect with family and old friends. Going home for Holiday Break

Drinking and driving is dangerous – there’s no two ways about it. When people get behind the wheel after a few drinks, their vision may

Not every college party has to be an all out rager with a keg, beer pong, and beer funnels splashing all over the porch. Being

The festive season is the time of goodwill, generosity, and completely outrageous parties! Christmas is on its way and that can only mean one thing:

Now that school is back in session, our erratic summer lifestyles have come to an end. For those who are away from home for the

The Princeton Review has published their annual list of the nation’s most sober schools and Brigham Young University tops the list. New York universities dominate the list with

It’s not an easy thing for anyone to admit. It wasn’t for me. I normally don’t discuss something so private about my life, but if

I’m sure you all know about South Park. I’m sure many of you have seen that episode where Counselor Mackey teaches his students about drugs.

Let’s be honest, we all have delved into the party scene at certain points of our lives. We get invited to our first college party

Summer is going by quickly—maybe a little bit too quick. However, that also means one of the greatest times of school will be here soon:

This blog isn’t about how to create social media accounts … you already know how to do that. This is about how you use the accounts