A pretty cool infographic from the Student Loan Marketplace on how to make the college dream possible and affordable. Check it!
Category: College Finance
College Finance at College Cures covers necessary college topics like how to make money and how to save college money. Great way to start? Find out how to get a job and how to keep a job! Once you know how to save, we’ll teach you how to get an internship (hopefully a paid internship) so you can discover once you understand how to put money away, opening a bank account becomes a mature step in the right direction. Open a college checking account or college savings account and find info on getting a new bank. College investing and investments can be difficult if you don’t know where to invest or how to invest. We’ll guide you along the journey with college saving tips that don’t just cover how to save money in college but also topics like college loans, scholarships, paying back a loan and much more. Poor college students need to be saving money on the items they buy the most, which is while you’ll see articles about saving money on alcohol and saving money on books. Save money on groceries, clothes, your car and save money on your health!

It’s finally settling in, but I’m prepared to have as much fun with senior year as I can. Here are some tips for seniors who have also faced reality. A Guest Blog Post from BookRenter.com

If you’re like me, the summer before I started college, I wanted to procrastinate absolutely everything college-related. I just could not accept that I was

Now that your school year is coming to an end, it’s time to start figuring out where to live this summer and/or fall. Deciding where

Traveling to Germany this past month was one of the best experiences of my life. Although I had to fly out the day after my

As often as your parents relentlessly remind you that “you’re at college to get an education and not to party,” you will inevitably learn a

The fast approaching and sometimes dreaded segue from your merely apathetic academic years in college to a career in a world that is often deemed

Solidifying a career path is one of the most difficult and painstaking processes I, as well as many others, have endured throughout college. As a

Internships.com’s Campus Tycoon Award highlights the most creative and innovative business minds on college campuses today. They started in their dorm rooms, but their RA’s

Think you’re in bad shape if you’re unemployed? While you may be at a financial disadvantage in comparison to your peers who lucked out with a job, you just might have an edge on them mentally!

While college may be the best of times, it’s also the most financially-tight of times as well! Check out four easy ways for you to watch your spending so you can save up for your next vacation, electronic item or splurge. Review these tips and you will be on your way to saving in no time at all!

Being in college is tough; you’re always tired, stressed out and scraping for cash. But what happens when you are tired of the dining hall and you want to eat out? Eating at a restaurant can be expensive so here are 4 tips to help you cover the bill and save some dough!

Now that spring break is here, this is your opportunity to start pounding the pavement in your town to find the perfect summer job to fit you and your needs. Whether you are looking to stay inside all summer, you like discounts or you want to be around kids, we’ve broken down the most popular summer jobs for you here!

Thinking about moving off campus? Not sure what to consider or how to go about moving off campus? Check out the pros and cons of moving off campus to decide if you are ready to fork over the cash, make the commitment and sign that lease! Off campus living isn’t for everyone so make the decision for yourself today!