Everyone loves having good food. When facing a financial crisis, food habits are one of the things that are profoundly affected. You might be forced
Tag: saving money

Many people report that their college years are the most exciting, challenging, and enjoyable periods in their lives. Moving out of your childhood home, meeting

Financial stability is something that sounds so simple. Balancing a budget, saving for the future, and feeling secure in your financial abilities should be relatively

Dating in college has the potential to be a lot of fun, but for many students, the worry it can create over money cuts into

Mom and Dad getting upset at your spending habits? Sick of being a broke college student? Here are three ways to save money on things you already do on a regular basis!

While college may be the best of times, it’s also the most financially-tight of times as well! Check out four easy ways for you to watch your spending so you can save up for your next vacation, electronic item or splurge. Review these tips and you will be on your way to saving in no time at all!

Have you ever been stranded because of a popped tired? Don’t let a flat ruin your day or evening; follow these SIMPLE steps that teach you how to change a tire all by yourself so you can get back on the road as fast as possible. Don’t pay for Triple A, fix it yourself!

Wondering if you should open a credit card in college? Not sure if you can handle paying your own bills? Check out these money managing tips which will help you to pay your bills on time and build your credit score. The last thing you want to do is damage your credit score by not paying your bills on time so read up on how to save money during the month and how to manage all of your bills.

Need a little extra money after tuition’s been paid off? Learn what a refund check is and how you can be eligible to receive one. If you are thinking of spending your refund check the minute it comes in the mail, maybe you should think twice; consider these reasons for saving the money instead!

Trying to save money in the new year? Need your cash from your last job to last you for the rest of the year? How to save money, plan your finances, and work with what you’ve got to make the most of your college experience! If you are having trouble managing your finances, take the new year as an opportunity to do just that!

It’s always awkward to talk to a friend (who is financially stable) about being cheap. It’s inevitably annoying to always pay more and lose out when hanging out with that friend because they’re cheap. This article offers advice on how to deal with a cheap friend so that your friendship isn’t doomed without having to engage in an awkward conversation!

If you’re on a budget and on-the-go, then some smart shopping can supply you with a week’s worth of food for $30—that’s under $5 a day!