It is no secret that students will often have to adapt to a limited budget. While times may indeed be rather lean, there are still
Tag: college money

Going off to college is such an exciting time. As well as learning about a subject that genuinely interests you, it’s a chance to learn

From a young age, often starting in school, we hear about the benefits of saving a portion of our paycheck. Saving is positioned as the

Managing your finances well at college can be the difference between a fun and enriching time that leads to a great career, or a stressful

Financial stability is something that sounds so simple. Balancing a budget, saving for the future, and feeling secure in your financial abilities should be relatively

Are you a student with fine wine tastes on cheap beer budget? Well, that’s completely fine!! Most of the college students are living on budget.

No one likes being a broke college student, but thankfully there are ways other than selling Adderall to put some cash in your pocket. Work

This is a Guest Post from Andrew Puco For every college student the single most important thing to accomplish while in school is to acquire

Even though you were a fulltime student for the past four years, employers still expect to see new college graduates with a list of accomplishments that reflective a productive four years in college, including (and maybe especially) those outside of the classroom.

Are you tired of ordering one small item at a restaurant and paying $30 after the bill is split? Consider going dutch! Find out what it means, the benefits, the drawbacks and in what situations it is socially acceptable! If you are on a budget, check out this article.

Ever wondered about student loans? What are student loans, where do they come from, and how do you pay them back? Find out all of the answers and more here. If you want to attend college, but don’t think you can afford it, read up on how to get a federal grant, loan, or personal loan so you can get the education you have always dreamed of.

Need a little extra money after tuition’s been paid off? Learn what a refund check is and how you can be eligible to receive one. If you are thinking of spending your refund check the minute it comes in the mail, maybe you should think twice; consider these reasons for saving the money instead!

Money can be hard to come by in college, but this guide has a few suggestions to help you get around the ever-present money problem that comes with being a student. Not sure of how to make some extra cash? Get some ideas here and start making some extra green for your wallet!

So, how long did your resolutions actually last this year? Have you given up already? Let’s take a moment to re-evaluate your resolutions and why you have or have not stuck with them thus far. It’s a new year, but does it HAVE to be a new YOU?