
Now that spring break is here, this is your opportunity to start pounding the pavement in your town to find the perfect summer job to fit you and your needs. Whether you are looking to stay inside all summer, you like discounts or you want to be around kids, we’ve broken down the most popular summer jobs for you here!

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place orders sign

It can be hard to choose the healthiest items on a fast food or take-out menu while in college, but sometimes you need to eat quick and you’d like to save some money and stay fit while doing so. Take a tip from food blogger, Brittany Richter, who features the best take-out items for college students on a budget who are trying to stay fit!

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College shuttle

So you’re looking for ways to make your travel time across campus a little easier and a bit more fun; look no further! We’ve got 5 tips to cut down on the time you spend traveling each day on campus and ways to make your trip more enjoyable. Tired of a crappy commute across campus? You’ve come to the right place.

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Spring Break

Spring break is the mid-point in the semester where you get a break from school, teachers and the responsibilities that come with college. Thinking about partying hard? How about leaving the country? Whatever you decide to do, make sure you follow the safety rules and regulations. Read and consider these safety tips so you can have a fun, safe spring break.

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Apples and Cinnamon

Looking for a snack to keep you full, but one that won’t be high in fat, make you crash or cause you to gain weight? Check out our food blogger, Brittany Richter’s tips that will help you to save money, lose weight and keep you full and satisfied, one dorm-friendly snack or meal at a time!

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Couple on the beach

Are you heading on spring break this year? Looking for a little spring break romance? Whether you’re single or taken, we’ve got the rules for you to follow this spring break when it comes to hooking up or remaining loyal to your current partner. Find out how what to do across various spring break hookup situations and follow each one to the letter!

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College Freshman T-shirt

All of us want to have the best freshman year imaginable, but how do you know what to expect your first year away from home? What should you do? What shouldn’t you do? While everything can’t always be perfect, here are twelve ways you can try to get your Freshman year as close to perfect as possible!

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Panties and sign

Ready to laugh at someone else’s embarrassing moments? Love those crazy dorm stories? The dorm stories this week will keep you giggling and begging for more. What’s on the agenda this week? Crazy roommates and panty/boxer raids! Read on for big laughs that will start your weekend off right.

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