Need your weekly fix of news? Check out our weekly news recap, which covers all the news in entertainment, US and foreign news, and much, much more! What’s in the recap this week? Updates on Charlie Sheen, the Libyan revolution, the Dalai Lama’s resignation and how coffee reduces the risk of stroke.
Category: Series
It’s Thursday, and you know what that means… It’s time for more dorm stories, of course! So, sit back and enjoy this weeks crazy college dorm tales. What’s on the menu this week? Drunken antics after a wild frat party and girls going crazy; you know, the usual!
Have you ever been stranded because of a popped tired? Don’t let a flat ruin your day or evening; follow these SIMPLE steps that teach you how to change a tire all by yourself so you can get back on the road as fast as possible. Don’t pay for Triple A, fix it yourself!
Looking for a new song from 2011 to update your college playlist with? Check out our featured artist and single, Britney Spears, “Hold It Against me,” and find out why we love her and her new song. We’ve got a recap of the best music of February 2011 and if you’re looking to update your workout, going to class or party playlist, you’ll want to read on!
Need your weekly fix of news? Check out our weekly news recap, which covers all the news in entertainment, US and foreign news, and much, much more! What’s in the recap this week? Updates on Justin Bieber, John Galliano, the revolution in Libya and what the CDC found about young adults having sex!
Ready to laugh at someone else’s embarrassing moments? Love those crazy dorm stories? The dorm stories this week will keep you giggling and begging for more. What’s on the agenda this week? Crazy roommates and panty/boxer raids! Read on for big laughs that will start your weekend off right.
Are you in the middle of a fight-fest within your group of friends? Looking to stay out of it? Whether you are involved directly or you’re looking in from an outside perspective, we’ve got the tips to help you deal when you’re friends are fighting with each other.
Whether you’re still in high school or looking to transfer from your first (or second) college, chances are you’re spending a lot of time looking for a college that suits you. But how do you know what you’re looking for? What’s right for you? Check out these 4 tips to help you choose the right school that will fit you and your needs the best!
Need your weekly fix of news? Check out our weekly news recap, which covers all the news in entertainment, US and foreign news, and much, much more! What’s in the recap this week? Updates on Jennifer Aniston’s new hairdo (yes, it’s news since it’s the first change in a decade), the earthquake in New Zealand and new studies confirm that alcohol IS good for your heart!
So, you didn’t get into your dream school; big deal! Getting rejected from your first-choice school is a common occurrence among high school seniors and even transfer and graduate students so you are not alone. Find out what to do when you find yourself faced with rejection and how to overcome adversity in order to achieve your goals!
Ready to laugh at someone else’s embarrassing moments? The dorm stories this week will keep you giggling and begging for more. What’s on the agenda this week? Burning food and naked shenanigans! Read on for big laughs and as always, lots of college entertainment.
Need your weekly fix of news? Check out our news recap, which covers all the news from this week in entertainment, US and foreign news, and much, much more! What’s in the recap this week? Updates on the conflict in Egypt, Jessica Alba’s pregnancy and the reverse effect of the Placebo Effect.
Did you spend Valentine’s Day by yourself and with a box of chocolates instead of with a significant other? Do you feel left out now that all of your friends have someone while you’re still on the market? It can be tough when it seems like everyone is in a relationship, but check out these tips on enjoying your singledom and being happy for the lack of drama in your life!
Looking for some entertainment to crack you up this week? Check out our dorm stories feature each week to make you giggle and be thankful that the stories are not happening to you. If you aren’t sure what to expect when heading off to college, these dorm stories might give you a better idea of what goes on in the dorm!