-Pope Benedict XVI made a clear declaration that the Jews are not responsible for the death of Jesus. This announcement from the Pope is speculated to play a crucial role in healing the Jewish-Catholic relations.
-Libyan revolution continues as Gadhafi loses more power and support from friends and allies. Several tribes, which play a significant role in Libyan society, have joined the rebellion.
– German officials have announced that the man who killed two American troops in Frankfurt, Germany, was a radical Muslim.
-After the tragic suicide of Tyler Clementi, Rutgers University has announced that they will allow co-ed dorms in order to be more inclusive to LGBT students
-Missing Californian teen, Jessie Marie Bender, claims to have run away from home in fear of being married off to someone in Pakistan. Authorities have yet to verify the authenticity of the claims; the girl was found by the police without harm.
– Katie Holmes is suing “Star Magazine” for $50 million after the tabloid magazine printed that Holmes was addicted to drugs and on the verge of splitting with husband. While that sum is huge, to be fair, that’s quite an outlandish accusation to make—especially when it’s not true
– Justin Bieber’s hair auctioned for $40,668; that’s more than what some Americans make a year! The proceeds of the auction went to charity.
– John Galliano, former creative director of Dior, was fired this week for his anti-Semitic slurs. Galliano has since defended his actions by claiming he underwent an “unprovoked assault.”
– WikiLeaks has revealed that Mariah Carey, Beyonce and Usher performed at the Libyan dictator’s son birthday party for a hefty sum of money in 2006.
-All the “safe sex” campaigns in middle school seem to be working: A Center for Disease Control study has found fewer teenagers and young adults are having sex.
-Need a reason to work out? Consider this: Recent findings suggest that diabetes can decrease your life span by six years!