– Violence and unrest continues in Libya: Libyan leader Gadhafi blames the violence on the youth protesters and claims they’re being exploited and influenced by Osama Bin Laden.
– A 6.2 earthquake hits New Zealand and claims 102 lives and counting.
-Somalian pirates kill the 4 American hostages amidst negotiations with the American government; the FBI arrested 2 pirate chiefs so far.
– A 20 year old Saudi living in Texas was arrested for allegedly looking into purchasing chemicals to build a bomb.
– A student shot a teacher at the Coast Career Institute in Los Angeles after getting into an altercation.
– Road to Equality for All: Hawaiian governor Neil Abercrombie has legalized civil unions for same sex couples.
– David Arquette admits to stealing pot from his father at the young age of eight!
– The face of numerous endorsement products, Kim Kardashian claims she will NEVER endorse a butt enhancement pill.
– After the iconic “Rachel” hairdo and the classic “long sleek locks”, Jennifer Aniston changes her do courtesy of stylist Chris McMillan.
– It’s a summer wedding for Hugh Hefner and fiancee Crystal Harris; the couple are slated to wed on June 18, 2011.
-Need an excuse to drink? When consumed in moderation, alcohol is good for your heart!
-Reduce your chat time on your cell phone; studies reveal cell phones alter brain activity!