Halloween is by far my favorite holiday. Of course, I’m an October baby and I’ve had at least 17 Halloween/birthday parties. So, I’m on the
Category: Partying
Every college student likes to party, so we’ve put together the best tips to help you enjoy your down time while also keeping you safe. We promote taking time for yourself on the weekends with tips on throwing and attending parties, showing you the best food and drink recipes, how to put together the right party playlist and different ideas for themed parties. We also tell you how to avoid party drama, party fouls, and party mistakes that could have you regretting something in the morning. We try to help you avoid hangovers by promoting safe partying and even giving you tips on how to have fun without the booze. Whether you like to party or not, this category has something for every college student.

I’m sure you all know about South Park. I’m sure many of you have seen that episode where Counselor Mackey teaches his students about drugs.

Let’s be honest, we all have delved into the party scene at certain points of our lives. We get invited to our first college party

The latest style trend in college right now is cut off jean shorts. I feel like we’re hopping back to the 90’s with this one,

Let’s face it, freshman are idiots. Yes, we were all once at that stage in our lives, and yes, we were all that dumb. Freshman

This is a summary of “A Tale of Two Companies” – a live Google Hangout between Sanjeev Agrawal, Founder/CEO of Collegefeed and Rajen Sheth, Director

It’s reaching the end of August, and as the summer days drift away, the new school year approaches. For freshman, a strange new world is

When you get to college you will be exposed to a wide variety of new experiences. You’re exposed to new ideas or concepts in subjects

Summer is going by quickly—maybe a little bit too quick. However, that also means one of the greatest times of school will be here soon:

I went through college and never once considered rushing or trying to join a sorority. In my head, I thought that sororities were just a

You wake up to the taste of tequila and a hangover headache. Although your memories are blurry, you do remember chatting with an attractive undergrad

Everyone has their own vision of what taking a summer class is like. For me, I assumed it would be easy breezy and that I

Spring has officially sprung, and it’s time to ditch your dorm room and get outside. Although you probably want to get outside to start working on