It’s not an easy thing for anyone to admit. It wasn’t for me. I normally don’t discuss something so private about my life, but if
Category: Partying
Every college student likes to party, so we’ve put together the best tips to help you enjoy your down time while also keeping you safe. We promote taking time for yourself on the weekends with tips on throwing and attending parties, showing you the best food and drink recipes, how to put together the right party playlist and different ideas for themed parties. We also tell you how to avoid party drama, party fouls, and party mistakes that could have you regretting something in the morning. We try to help you avoid hangovers by promoting safe partying and even giving you tips on how to have fun without the booze. Whether you like to party or not, this category has something for every college student.

You’re headed into the last semester of this school year! You’re half way there. Most of you will have brand new classes to attend and

It’s your first time away from home. Your first (or second, third… fifth?) semester of college went smoothly. Grades are in, but you’re still sleeping

We often times find ourselves in negative situations. Someone might be treating us badly. Someone might be treating another person badly, right before our eyes. We

How to say you’re sorry. The dreaded apology. I know, I know, but sometimes you have to do it. In fact apologizing is not the

Bullying is a major problem in our society and it continues to get worse. There are many levels to bullying, some are very extremist and others

According to rape statistics at least 10-20 percent of women get raped within a given lifetime. Now when you look at the other more violent crimes in the world it

The holiday season is upon us. That means not only cold weather, possible school closures and presents/check from your parents. Nope, you need to return
How many times have you been walking home alone and you felt the “eyes” on you? You were scared to look back, because you didn’t

For some of you graduation is coming quickly! I was a December grad last year at Texas Christian University and I’m so excited to share

When the road gets rough or we start to worry about the future ahead– some of us turn to quotes. Sometimes the words of someone

Winter is coming. For some of you, it’s been here for weeks. College football is still rolling through and you still need to be able

Your friends are your support group. They are the ones that are there for you when no one else is. But what happens if that

Halloween is right around the corner and parties can keep going for weeks! It’s fun to go to house parties or bars and dress up