Are you a beginner wine drinker? Wondering about which wines are good to try when first starting out? Try out my recommendations from a former wine-hater to a now wine-lover, I have just the tips for you!
Category: Partying
Every college student likes to party, so we’ve put together the best tips to help you enjoy your down time while also keeping you safe. We promote taking time for yourself on the weekends with tips on throwing and attending parties, showing you the best food and drink recipes, how to put together the right party playlist and different ideas for themed parties. We also tell you how to avoid party drama, party fouls, and party mistakes that could have you regretting something in the morning. We try to help you avoid hangovers by promoting safe partying and even giving you tips on how to have fun without the booze. Whether you like to party or not, this category has something for every college student.

A journey into the world of Jungle Juice, including descriptions and recipes. Find out what it is, why it is served in college and how you can make it. Check out these recipes for more good times!

Looking for tips on how to make a great PLAYLIST? Want to take your party or next get-together to the next level? We’ve got you covered with tips on how to put together a great playlist and the websites that will help you get there!

These tips should help to decipher the dress code for any event you may be invited to so the next time you are unsure of what “black tie optional” REALLY means, check out our tips and you will be looking dapper in no time! From weddings to business meetings, you need to know what each type of dress code means, check it out here.

Do you love college sports? How about gameday? Whether you are into college sports or not, get into the spirit of College Gameday and plan your next sports outing! How to make the most out of each game, have fun with your friends, and build your team spirit!

Marijuana has been rejected by society; here we learn the common misconceptions of why most people around the country disagree with legalizing it. Does it cause cancer? Does it make you violent? Can you get addicted if you try it once? Is it a gateway drug? These are all common questions that deserve to be answered so why not take a look?

If you are trying to find good deals for spring break 2011, here are the top three on a college student budget! Whether you are heading to Cancun, Jamaica, or the Bahamas, there are ways to save money and tons of things to do! Find out websites that offer the best packages and the kind of stuff you can do while there!

What better way to celebrate New Years than with Champagne? BUT we know you want more than just plain, boring champagne so why not try one of 10 champagne cocktails, sure to liven up any New Years party! Use for a preg-game or make at the party; either way, you will love these drinks!

The Do’s and Dont’s for this New Years eve! Find out what to do on New Years, what not to do, and how to have a fun, safe celebration without ruffling other people’s feathers. Enjoy your New Years without making some BAD memories!

Partying gone wrong? Need some tips for damage control? We bet you do! We’ve all been there; whether you sent some drunk texts, cheated on your partner, cried at a party, or WORSE, we have the solutions to help you get out of whatever trouble you’ve gotten yourself in!

Look back at the hangover remedies from the past to appreciate our readily accepted remedies these days. Most of these remedies will make you wonder–why did people even bother drinking alcohol? For laughs, kicks and a little fun, check out our ancestor’s remedies for the hangover.

Attention college women: If you loving wearing heels, this is for you! If you want to wear heels, are curious on how to look confident and sexy while wearing heels, and need some tips on how to feel more comfortable in them, this article will help you do just that. From learning how to keep your balance to wearing the right size–we’ll show you how to do it all and how to look fabulous while doing it!

If you’re looking for a fun drink to make for a party–look no more! Skittles vodka is easy, innovative and delicious! Check out the directions on how to make it so you can impress your friends at your next party! Looking for a holiday treat to add fun to your seasonal get-together? Skittles vodka is your go-to party recipe!

Sometimes we get so comfortable in our own lives that we forget there is a world outside of what we are used to. Here are a few traditions and myths associated with new years from different cultures. What do you do on New Years? What are you traditions?