Do you have a friend who is out of control? If you have a friend who likes to drink, do drugs or party hard on a regular basis? It may be time to sit him/her down and find out whether or not your friend has a problem. How to recognize the signs when your friend is out of control and how to help them with his/her partying problem.
Category: Partying
Every college student likes to party, so we’ve put together the best tips to help you enjoy your down time while also keeping you safe. We promote taking time for yourself on the weekends with tips on throwing and attending parties, showing you the best food and drink recipes, how to put together the right party playlist and different ideas for themed parties. We also tell you how to avoid party drama, party fouls, and party mistakes that could have you regretting something in the morning. We try to help you avoid hangovers by promoting safe partying and even giving you tips on how to have fun without the booze. Whether you like to party or not, this category has something for every college student.

Looking to update your college playlist in the new year? We’ve got the best of the best: starting from January and going into March, we have the best albums of 2011 so far. With all types of genres and sounds, you are sure to find something in here that you will love. What are you waiting for? Update that iPod now!

It’s sad but true: many college students don’t know how to party safely and often times can lead themselves into dangerous situations. Check out these 5 easy steps that you can take in order to ensure that you will party, have fun AND be safe. If you tend to get out of control or find yourself in bad situations, this is the article for you.

We all have school traditions. However, some are more eccentric than others. Read about some of the ridiculous, funny and just plain wrong school traditions some universities uphold. Determine where yours stands and compare your school’s traditions with those of other schools!

Looking to throw a killer Super Bowl party? Start planning now! Once you have the details figured out like the guest list, and what you are serving, the rest is easy! Start planning your Super Bowl party now and you are sure to have a great time with friends or family. Check out these tips AND recipes to throw a great party!

Wondering what to expect when heading off to school? Not sure if you are ready to handle the world of studying, midterms, hookups, and partying? Get ready for college by preparing yourself for what lies ahead; be cautious of these things and you will find yourself lightyears ahead of your peers!

The year is 2011 and sexuality is an ever-evolving concept. College students are hooking up and mixing up their partners as well as their sexual preferences. However, there are still potential factors that can put your relationships at risks. Learn how to seek out healthy relationships and how to maintain them.

New to college? Looking for a new reputation? Don’t try too hard. New reputations can mean new trouble. Learn on how to build a positive image for yourself and what to avoid when heading off to college. This applies not only to college students, but those entering high school or a new job.

Do you, your partner or one of your friends have a birthday coming up? Want to celebrate big, but can’t make it happen on your broke-college-student-budget? How to have a fun, memorable birthday with the people you care about without spending a ton of green!

Does life after college save room for the infamous “morning after drill,” or is this particular situation undergraduate-specific? For those of you well versed with the confusion and mixed-emotions following a night of fun turned uncomfortable and weird, then follow this three-step precautionary guide to your next morning after.

Ever had something crazy happen to you in your dorm? You’re not alone. Read these two stories about crazy experiences these students had living in their college dorms. Not sure what to expect when heading off to college? This may open your eyes a bit!

We all know that college students smoke and drink. But there seems to be a bit of a debate as to what college students prefer and even what their parents prefer for them. Learn what students and their parents are saying about alcohol versus marijuana and what the trends are for students today.

Study shows that the age old myth claiming beer to be the cause of the dreaded “beer belly” is false! Read more about the study that revealed the real story and what is REALLY responsible for all that extra “beer” in your belly.

Ever wondered how to make the perfect, frozen margarita? We’ve got the recipe for you that is easy, simple, and delicious! Make for a party, your next pre-game event, for a themed dinner, or for yourself! If you love margaritas, you will love this recipe.