Nothing like the perfect, tasty dessert to start the weekend off right so try out this amazing S’more brownie recipe now! The recipe is easy, the ingredients are few, but the results are beyond amazing. Whether you’re cooking for a party or some friends in your dorm, this is the perfect recipe for all the chocolate-brownie-lovers out there!
Category: Health
Health is all about tips and advice relating to keeping you healthy and fit during your college experience. Not only does this cover the health of your body, but your mind and soul, as well. We help you by giving you tips on avoiding and treating illness, advice on healthy eating tips, weight control, tips on taking advantage of the gym, and how to keep fit while in college. We also offer plenty of tips to maintain your mental and sexual health so you can avoid burn outs, STDs and anything else college may throw your way. We want you to stay healthy and fit in all aspects of your life and we give you the tips to make it happen.

Ever wonder how a breakup manages to make you feel so bad or wonder if your friends who were recently dumped are over exaggerating their alleged heartbreak? A recent study shows that a broken heart can be just as painful to ourselves as a burn from something hot! Find out what it is that makes heartbreak so painful.

Preparing for a baby is hard. Preparing for a baby in college is even harder. If you’re just finding out that you’re pregnant, there’s no need to panic. There are people and ways to help you get through it. Find out the right moves to make before the nine months is up.

Looking for a quick and easy home cooked meal that you can make in your dorm? Here’s a healthier, dorm-friendly alternative to what you’ll find in a restaurant or dining hall: it’s simple, easy-to-make and there are only a few ingredients. This is the perfect meal for busy students who are trying to cut calories as well.

Need your weekly fix of news? Check out our weekly news recap, which covers all the news in entertainment, US and foreign news, and much, much more! What’s in the recap this week? Updates on Japan, the earthquake in Myanmar, Elizabeth Taylor and a new study about how sleep affects your appetite!

We’ve all heard that people only use 10 percent of their brains, but is it true? There’s been a lot of misconception as to how much brain power we actually have, so find out the facts now. Read and learn the about how this myth came to be and how much of our brains we really use.

Do you ever wonder if your skepticism in relationships plays a negative role in your romantic life? A psych study has the answer for you! If you are the type who goes into a date already thinking the person across the table only has his/her best intentions at heart, you may be onto something. Find out why skepticism in dating may benefit you in the end!

Between homework, work, internships, friends, and life in general, we college students have a lot on our plates. With all the things to do, how do we strike a healthy balance between work time and play time? How do we keep our sanity? Find out how to manage your time and stress-levels with these tips!

Have you ever been “that guy/girl” at a party? The drunken, sloppy mess that seems completely out of control? In college, you don’t want to be that person, so learn how to keep it under control while still having fun, so you don’t end up being carried out of the party or passed out on a couch.

Looking for a quick and easy snack for you and your roommate? Searching for a healthy snack alternative? Try out this delicious snack to start your morning off right or ward off hunger after class. This is the perfect snack: healthy fruit, filling yogurt and fiber-rich granola!

Finding it hard to get a good night’s rest between classes, exams, work, internships and having a social life? Find out what science has to say about it and how these four easy tips and get you to not only fall asleep and stay asleep, but will help you to actually feel tired and look forward to jumping into bed each night.

Spring is here which means: warm weather, time spent outside and soaking up the sun. If you’re looking for ways to enjoy spring while in college, check out our guide to making the most of the gorgeous spring weather up ahead and how to enjoy your last semester before summer break. Don’t let this weather pass you by, enjoy it while it lasts.

Who knew the secret to quitting smoking was readily available in our handy mobile devices? Check out the latest study to see which piece of technology can help you curb your nicotine addiction! If you want to quit smoking, this is the article for you.

No feeling so well? Got a pouring headache or a sore throat? Before you reach for the aspirin, think about trying some natural remedies to heal your ailment. Before tossing chemicals in your body, consider some of the natural remedies you can find at your local grocery store and start the healing process.