Cold weather got you down?? Warm up with these EASY warm, winter cocktails for a party or just a cold night!
Category: Everything

Once you graduate, you can never go back…(well you can, but it’s really weird when you do)! So why not take advantage of your school WHILE you are THERE? Make your own list and don’t leave school until everything on your list is crossed off!

About to be a jobless graduate? Recently graduated, yet still unemployed?? College Cures has the FOUR most common reasons for why you don’t have a job and the solutions to each!

So now that we covered the overview, and pro’s of interning for a small vs large company, let’s talk about the con’s!

Tired of feeling crappy after a night of drinking? Want to avoid a hangover all-together? Try sticking to these tips for a hangover-free morning!

Stop counting down the days until you are 21…It’s not fun getting old! College Cures is here to remind you to enjoy your youth while you still have it! Step 1: never graduate…

Does size matter? What can you expect when interning at a small or large company? Are their pros to each? How about cons? Find out all this and more in this article which will help you in making your decision on which company to choose!

Got a friend who is going through a hard time? Is your roommate constantly crying over his/her failed relationship? Be a friend with these tips from College Cures! We promise to help you keep your sanity in tact!

Think making chicken parm has to be a huge production? Not with this recipe! If you don’t have an apartment/kitchen and are living in a dorm, try using the community kitchen in your building!

Tired of going to the bar and ordering the SAME drinks or buying the SAME alcohol at the store because you don’t know what else is out there? Try these fun & EASY recipes and MIX UP your weekend!

Do you have a huge crush on someone, but don’t know how to move out of the friend-zone? Are you looking to turn your crush into a relationship, but can’t seem to put it out here? Whatever the problem, College Cures if here to take you from crushing to dating in no time at all!

Looking to find the right college to fit your lifestyle, personality, financial and educational needs? College Cures has the list for you! Great sites for current, high school, and transfer students alike; there’s even a site for the Alumni! Let College Cures help in choosing the RIGHT school!

Can’t seem to balance the buffet style food at your school with a healthy lifestyle? Tired of feeling overwhelmed by unhealthy options? Leave it to College Cures to get you back on track and back to eating healthier!

Want to save money on food/groceries? Need tips on how to budget your spending while still eating the things you love? Learn some tips on how to budget your cash and get the most out of your shopping experience!