Can’t decide whether you should get a part or a full-time job? Need help on understanding the pros and cons of working in college? Learn more on how to balance your academics and holding down a job. Not sure if you will be able to handle both? Find out what it takes to balance the two.
Tag: college money

Trying to save money in the new year? Need your cash from your last job to last you for the rest of the year? How to save money, plan your finances, and work with what you’ve got to make the most of your college experience! If you are having trouble managing your finances, take the new year as an opportunity to do just that!

And the most paid actor of 2010 goes to…. LEONARDO DICAPRIO for his role in the box office hit Inception! Find out what the star made this year, why it got him on the Forbes’ highest paid actors of the year list, and find out who else made this coveted list!

It’s always awkward to talk to a friend (who is financially stable) about being cheap. It’s inevitably annoying to always pay more and lose out when hanging out with that friend because they’re cheap. This article offers advice on how to deal with a cheap friend so that your friendship isn’t doomed without having to engage in an awkward conversation!

Think your parents know what you want for Christmas? Think again! Are you choosing items that you WANT or things that you NEED? Help your parents decide what to get you for Christmas and take a hard look at what you are asking for; do you REALLY need that iPad or would you rather have somewhere to eat in your apartment?

More credit cards (and a high credit line) can give you a great credit score! Check out the pro’s and con’s of opening a credit card to see if you’re fit for opening, and more importantly, maintaining credit cards!

Tired of spending a ton of money on take-out? Want to avoid coming home and making a mess of your kitchen at 3am? Follow these tips on how to do late-night-munchies right!

It’s official; the Chicago Cubs have snatched up first baseman, Carlos Pena with a one-year deal set to earn him $10 million in 2011.

So now that we covered the overview, and pro’s of interning for a small vs large company, let’s talk about the con’s!

Does size matter? What can you expect when interning at a small or large company? Are their pros to each? How about cons? Find out all this and more in this article which will help you in making your decision on which company to choose!

Want to save money on food/groceries? Need tips on how to budget your spending while still eating the things you love? Learn some tips on how to budget your cash and get the most out of your shopping experience!

Hate spending ridiculous amounts of money on your textbooks? Need some tips on how to cut costs? Start saving money and aggravation with these tips on how to save money on textbooks from College Cures!

Tips on how to save money on the items you buy the most! Trying to save money on going to the bar? How about when at the liquor store? College Cures shows you how to save some green so you can have more fun!