Here is a guy who started off on the wrong foot and made a commitment; he took a 360 degree turn. He wanted his life back and that’s exactly what he got. He created “The Michael Vick Project” and has thus far, lead the Philadelphia Eagles to ultimate victory. Here are some quick facts you may not have known!

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If you do not know how to carefully research safe and unsafe diets, we’ve summed it up for you. If you are searching for a new diet, here are the top 3 to avoid! These are the worst diets of 2010 which have been seen in the media, on television, or endorsed by celebrities. They’re dangerous, crazy, and just plain dumb!

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Gorillaz - Plastic Beach album 2010

Don’t worry, you’ll get your fix! While the best of 2010 is coming on FRIDAY, this list of the HONORABLE MENTIONS of 2010 should hold you over until then! We’ve got the list of albums that didn’t make it to the top 50 of 2010, but were still good enough to tell you about! Check out the honorees and then scroll down for the biggest disappointment albums of 2010!

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Man, beer, and newspaper

What are men good for? According to an article on the Top 10 Misconceptions About Guys from, guys are up to no good most of the time. So what is it about guys that we as women DO like? Check out my list for why we continue to date despite the facts we know to be true!

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Group Project

Are you stuck working in a group project? Working with people who can’t seem to get the job done? Check out tips on how to work well in a group situation, how to delegate work, how to become a leader in the group, and how to make the grade! Take the initiative to make it work and turn your group project into a positive situation!

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Friends shape who we are in varying degrees–which is why it’s crucial that we have great friends. In the age of Facebook, everyone has hundreds of friends, but this article lays out 5 types of friends EVERYONE should have. Take a quick read to see if you have all the friends you need!

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Every country has their special remedies for a hangover. Check out a list hangover cures from around the world that vary in levels of weirdness and functionality. Some make sense and some are downright disgusting!

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facebook parents

Was Facebook your #1 website until your parents joined? What do you do now that your dad “liked” your status and commented on your pictures? Did your mom sit you down to “talk” about your inappropriate pictures? You’re not alone, read up on what to do if your parents friend you and how to respond when you see him/her on your newsfeed!

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Tron Legacy has evolved and nearly outshined Avatar in graphics! Ever wonder what 1980 action films looked like? Well, here is your chance! Enclosed in the trailer to the original Tron. Learn a little bit about the movie, where it came from and what it has become today! Great addition to any college DVD collection!

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sad on christmas

So you’re single this holiday season; BIG DEAL! While it may seem tough to get through the holidays alone (especially when it seems like everyone else has someone), we’ve got you covered with all the reasons you should be happy you are single this holiday season! Not dating anyone special this holiday season? You are not alone!

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Math majors: there are more career opportunities out there other than being a teacher. Read and learn more about other professions that may interest you. Don’t let the math stereotype pigeon-hole you; check out the types of careers available for math majors and check out the industries that seem interesting to you! If you are all about math, read on!

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