World News

Need your weekly fix of news? Check out our weekly news recap, which covers all the news in entertainment, US and foreign news, and much, much more! What’s in the recap this week? Updates on Jennifer Aniston’s new hairdo (yes, it’s news since it’s the first change in a decade), the earthquake in New Zealand and new studies confirm that alcohol IS good for your heart!

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The Egyptian Revolution has taken over news channels, papers and conversations around the nation. If you’re at a loss of what’s going on, take a quick scan to get the basics on what’s happening in Egypt and how it affects the world. Be prepared for conversations in class and with friends and family by catching up with the news now!

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Celebrating African Americans during the month of February has become a tradition and can be prominently supported across college campuses. But do you know why it was created? Do you know how meaningful it is to the black community? College Cures celebrates Black History Month with YOU and wants to highlight the African American inventors that you may be unaware of. Check out who they are and their inventions here.

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Now that Steve Jobs is on medical leave, what will happen to Apple? What is the company plan? Will his leaving affect sales and the type of technology college students are buying? Find out more about his leaving and how it may affect the company and you as a college student.

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Need your weekly fix of news? Check out the news recap for College Cures, which covers all the news from this week in sports, entertainment, US and foreign news, and much, much more! What’s in the recap this week? Updates on the Grim Sleeper serial killer, revolution in Egypt and who Snooki regrets sleeping with!

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We are all hearing about emotional cheating now with the recent strings of celebrity divorces and break ups. But what is it? Is it a valid deal breaker? How do you distinguish between friendship and emotional cheating? Get the 411 here and decide if you are involved with an emotional cheater.

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You’ve always been told to follow your dreams, but a new study reiterates the age-old saying that the only way to make your dream come true, is to wake up! See how day dreaming can sabotage your future success and why you might want to dash those dreams and start living in reality.

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What does someone’s Facebook profile say about them? Are our profiles a representation of who we really are or who we WANT to be? Wonder no more! Scientists conducted a study to see whether people portray their real or idealized personalities on social networking sites such as Facebook; find out the results here.

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Video Gamer

Do you play video games and think it’s a harmless way to pass time? It’s time to reconsider and gauge if you just might be addicted–recent studies show a high percentage of the population may be obsessive gamers! Read more on the problems and how to detect if you are one!

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Need your weekly fix of news? Check out the news recap for College Cures, which covers all the news from this week in sports, entertainment, US and foreign news, and much, much more! What’s in the recap this week? Jared Lee Loughner, Ricky Gervais and the FBI’s largest mafia arrest!

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