Now that you are in college and off on your own, think you can cut your parents out of your life? Your parents are an important part of your life and just because you are far from home doesn’t mean you shouldn’t call up once in a while. How to keep in touch with your parents and maintain your relationship with them even when you are at school.

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Sometimes, as college students, we run into situations that really challenging are mindset—like faith. Thinking about chaining your faith in college? Having trouble preserving it? Learn how to deal with both situations and how to accept faith.

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Facebook relationship status

There is no better way to announce a new relationship than going from single to “in a relationship with…” on Facebook. With social networking sites (read: Facebook) becoming the new platform for socializing regularly, a new code of etiquette has come about on how to handle your relationship and Facebook. What’s “Facebook appropriate” and what is sharing TOO much?

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Sometimes we get so comfortable in our own lives that we forget there is a world outside of what we are used to. Here are a few traditions and myths associated with new years from different cultures. What do you do on New Years? What are you traditions?

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facebook parents

Was Facebook your #1 website until your parents joined? What do you do now that your dad “liked” your status and commented on your pictures? Did your mom sit you down to “talk” about your inappropriate pictures? You’re not alone, read up on what to do if your parents friend you and how to respond when you see him/her on your newsfeed!

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