
Tea and Coffee are the morning staples for everyone. Find out which will keep you up longer, increase your short term recall, lower your blood pressure and prevent cavities. While both drinks have different things to offer, one may be better for you. Determine which beverage is best for you!

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World News

Need your weekly fix of news? Check out the news recap for College Cures, which covers all the news from this week in sports, entertainment, US and foreign news, and much, much more! Who’s in the recap this week? Brett Favre, Obama, Hugh Hefner and more!

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A brief summary of 8 sex myths for women that have been debunked by Women’s Health Magazine! The myths range from social misconceptions about women and porn to scientific facts. Learn about the 8 common myths and why they’re wrong.

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Neuroticism is characterized by moodiness, irritation, worrisome behavior and getting upset easily. These qualities are far from ideal for a relationship and have a detrimental effect on relationships. See what researchers have found about sex and neurotic people!

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Do you find yourself as the THIRD WHEEL all the time? Are you constantly being invited to hang out with your friend and her/his partner? Learn how to avoid being the third wheel, how to get out of plans that make you feel awkward, and what to do in the future to avoid the situation altogether.

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Look back at the hangover remedies from the past to appreciate our readily accepted remedies these days. Most of these remedies will make you wonder–why did people even bother drinking alcohol? For laughs, kicks and a little fun, check out our ancestor’s remedies for the hangover.

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Everyone thinks complimenting a woman’s eyes is the way to her heart. If you thought that, think again! A new study reveals that complimenting a different part of a woman’s body can get you luckier in love! Check this article out for the number one online pickup line and the most successful lines for international women.

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What do you do if you’re attracted to your friend’s ex? Social etiquette tells you that’s a big no-no, but what if he/she is “The One?” This article offers assistance in this department with a few do’s and don’ts of dating a Friend’s Ex. Not sure how your friend feels about the relationship? Tips on how to find out!

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A report released by the University of Minnesota Boynton Health Service has revealed that 38.5 percent of college students are overweight and/or obese. It’s hard to judge when college students are so busy handling their social lives, personal lives, academic lives, financial lives and family lives! To get the biggest bang for YOUR buck, check out the 10 most calorie burning exercises for when you work out!

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If you’re looking for a fun drink to make for a party–look no more! Skittles vodka is easy, innovative and delicious! Check out the directions on how to make it so you can impress your friends at your next party! Looking for a holiday treat to add fun to your seasonal get-together? Skittles vodka is your go-to party recipe!

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Catch up on all the sports, health, world, U.S. and entertainment news you missed for the week! Find out who thinks Lady Gaga is overexposed, which governor was fined for accepting sports tickets, which state has a serial killer on the prowl and much, MUCH more!

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Friends shape who we are in varying degrees–which is why it’s crucial that we have great friends. In the age of Facebook, everyone has hundreds of friends, but this article lays out 5 types of friends EVERYONE should have. Take a quick read to see if you have all the friends you need!

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Every country has their special remedies for a hangover. Check out a list hangover cures from around the world that vary in levels of weirdness and functionality. Some make sense and some are downright disgusting!

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