You work hard you’re entire college career to become an A student. But now you may be wondering if your future employer really cares if you were an A student or a C. Learn what employers really care about.
Category: School
As the most important part of attending college, this category offers you advice on choosing classes, how to arrange your class schedule, purchasing books and planning your course of study. But of course there is more to school than just planning: we also give you study tips, advice on time management, we show you how to form a relationship with your professor and peers, and how to succeed when you are feeling overworked or stressed out. We also cover tips on internships, jobs, and what happens after college; you know, graduation? Whether you need to find out the best place to buy your textbooks or how to deal with a lousy professor, we’ve got the tips and advice for you.

Having trouble making friends with someone of a different culture? Learn ways that can help you befriend them.

One in five employers have admitted that they access Facebook profiles before considering a candidate for a position. What does this mean for you? It’s time to clean up your profile to make it “work-friendly” without losing your identity!

Through the numerous rumors and countless fallacies that are fed into the freshman mind about Greek organizations when they first hit campus, its become easy for students to believe false ideas and assumptions about what it entails to be a member.

If you haven’t had an internship yet, we suggest you get one. If you are confused as to why this is so important, read this. You will learn something new!

About to be a jobless graduate? Recently graduated, yet still unemployed?? College Cures has the FOUR most common reasons for why you don’t have a job and the solutions to each!

So now that we covered the overview, and pro’s of interning for a small vs large company, let’s talk about the con’s!

Does size matter? What can you expect when interning at a small or large company? Are their pros to each? How about cons? Find out all this and more in this article which will help you in making your decision on which company to choose!

Looking to find the right college to fit your lifestyle, personality, financial and educational needs? College Cures has the list for you! Great sites for current, high school, and transfer students alike; there’s even a site for the Alumni! Let College Cures help in choosing the RIGHT school!

Looking to make some friends in your classes? Not sure how to approach your peers? College Cures has the tips to help you get out of your comfort zone, meet new people, and get those grades up!

Hate spending ridiculous amounts of money on your textbooks? Need some tips on how to cut costs? Start saving money and aggravation with these tips on how to save money on textbooks from College Cures!

Tired of falling asleep during class? Can’t seem to stay awake when your professor starts talking? Leave it to College Cures to help you get better notes and get better grades with these tips on how to stay awake during class!

Hungry between classes? Always looking for a snack to satisfy your hunger? College Cures has the scoop! We’ve got all sorts of snacks from peanut butter banana bagels to homemade salsa, you won’t be hungry anymore!

Can’t seem to focus? Having trouble getting organized? Save yourself some grief and cure your procrastination problem here! We’ll show you how to organize your tasks and your schedule so you can get through your days with ease!