Not sure how to fill up your summer this year? Instead of watching bad television, heading to the beach every day or just simply lying around, be productive this summer! Whether you’re working or taking classes, use your summer vacation as a time to benefit your future not only as a student, but after graduation as well.
Tag: life in college

Are you in the middle of a fight-fest within your group of friends? Looking to stay out of it? Whether you are involved directly or you’re looking in from an outside perspective, we’ve got the tips to help you deal when you’re friends are fighting with each other.

Do you go through an existential crisis around 4 a.m., twice a week? If you feel yourself losing it every week or even just once in a while, take a step back and regain control of your thoughts, emotions and your life. Read up on how to relax and get past your college demons one step at a time.

The Problem: As much as we love cereal, sometimes it just doesn’t cut it. Somettimes we crave something warm, but it has to be quick

Religion is very important many of us, but getting a good college education is important, as well. So, why not combine the two? Take a moment to learn more about going to a parochial college and how it can benefit and enhance your college experience. Think a parochial school isn’t the right choice for you? You may want to reconsider!

With all of the distractions surrounding college life, studying can be very difficult for some students and procrastination runs rampant through the dorms. However, you’ve got 4 tips to get you on your way toward getting your work done and getting better grades. Read up on how to easily incorporate studying into your daily routine.

Does your school have traditions to go along with each holiday? Penn State celebrates State Patty’s Day, one of the biggest events at Penn State. Check out this run-down of the infamous State Patty’s day holiday, including statistics and recap of this year’s event. What are the traditions at your school?

Not sure if you’re ready to jump into a serious relationship? College is a breeding ground for immaturity, so what happens when you’re ready for a mature relationship? Learn more about the positive, good qualities both you and your partner should possess before diving into a serious relationship.

Are you excited about heading off to college because it means you have an opportunity to become someone new? Start your freshman year off right by becoming the version of yourself you have always wanted to be. No one knows you yet so it’s the perfect time to reinvent yourself; follow these tip to make it happen!

Are you in a relationship without intimacy? Too much emphasis on the sex? Want to feel closer to your partner? No need to worry; there are plenty of ways to become intimate with your partner without having sex. Learn how to achieve intimacy in a sexless relationship.

Ready to laugh at someone else’s embarrassing moments? The dorm stories this week will keep you giggling and begging for more. What’s on the agenda this week? Burning food and naked shenanigans! Read on for big laughs and as always, lots of college entertainment.

Ever wondered what happens when you go to the hospital without mom or dad? As a college student, there may come a time when you experience a serious slip, a terrible illness or alcohol poisoning and you have to get to the hospital fast. We break it down into what to do, what to bring and what to expect during your hospital visit.

Are you constantly feeling sad or depressed at school? Do you long for your family and friends at home while isolating yourself from others? If you find yourself unable to cope with the depression, realize that you aren’t alone and find out how you can better your situation so you can find happiness in college.

Are you feeling homesick at school? Do you constantly miss your friends and family or count down the days between vacations? If you want to find happiness at school, follow these 5 tips for dealing with homesickness in college to have a happier, healthier college experience!