Have email and virtual communication become the norm? Are phone calls becoming obsolete in our society? Find out why picking up the phone may benefit you in the long-run not only in your personal, but professional life as well. Make some calls this week!
Category: Work

Do you find yourself being disrespected by your professors, peers and even strangers? Take a look at these 10 tips that will give you the edge and help you to gain respect not only with teachers and in the classroom, but on-campus and with friends, too. Being respected is important so find out how to gain respect and be taken seriously in college.

Between homework, work, internships, friends, and life in general, we college students have a lot on our plates. With all the things to do, how do we strike a healthy balance between work time and play time? How do we keep our sanity? Find out how to manage your time and stress-levels with these tips!

Now that graduation is looming in the near future for many of you, you should probably start thinking about what it is you would like to do with yourself after graduation. If you don’t have a job yet, you’re not alone: follow these tips on what to do after graduation and how to find the job that’s right for you.

About to go on a job interview? Or maybe you’re just submitting resumes and need some apps to help you along the way. Whatever stage of the job hunting process you’re in, we’ve got the top 5 iPhone apps to make the process a little bit easier on you; check them out here!

We’re all guilty of texting in the middle of class or sneaking off to take a call in the middle of a boring lecture. While you can get away with it as a student, you may not get away with it in the real world! It’s never too early to learn the basic cell phone etiquette: When and when not to text, pick up calls and send emails.

Now that spring break is here, this is your opportunity to start pounding the pavement in your town to find the perfect summer job to fit you and your needs. Whether you are looking to stay inside all summer, you like discounts or you want to be around kids, we’ve broken down the most popular summer jobs for you here!

Not sure how to fill up your summer this year? Instead of watching bad television, heading to the beach every day or just simply lying around, be productive this summer! Whether you’re working or taking classes, use your summer vacation as a time to benefit your future not only as a student, but after graduation as well.

Are you always running late and keeping your friends waiting? While your friends will let it slide in college, being unpunctual can get you in serious trouble in your internship, work and in the real world. Check out 5 easy ways to be on time and to handle any “punctuality situation”.

So, you had an interview or received a great gift: now what? Write a thank-you note, of course! This simple form of correspondence is the best way to show your gratitude to those who have helped you out. These notes are very important in landing jobs and in life so read on to learn about the basic components of a thank-you note and why you should always write one!

Think you have it bad at work? Watch what you say on social media channels because you never know who is watching, reading or taking note of your status updates or Tweets. Learn from one girl’s mistake why you should set your statuses to private and how it cost her the job; don’t be an idiot, complain to your friends in private, not on Facebook!

If you’re not using Facebook as a platform for networking or representing yourself, then your page needs an annual detox. If you find yourself wishing you could hide your status updates or pictures from certain people, you need to get rid of them now! Find the exclusive tips for Digital Detox here!

A story about motivation and thinking outside of the box to attain your dreams. Ke$ha may be a talentless bum, but she’s a talentless bum with a record deal. If you want to achieve in your dreams when you leave college, it’s up to you to make it happen!

Ever question if college is the right choice for you? Not sure about the other options outside of the college experience? Meet author James Altucher and his alternative ways to college. Learn about different routes to gain an education and experience in this world and how these alternatives may help you to become MORE successful than going to college.