There is no company that can conduct business without meetings. As per National Statistics Council, employees spend around 37 percent of their time in meetings.
Category: Work

The proliferation of mobile technology has helped to firmly entrench smartphone and tablets in the very fabric of everyday lives. To man’s credit, he has

Just when it seems the stress from working so vigorously toward your degree is finally dissipating, young adults are quick to get slapped in the

Swipe, like, retweet, repost, shares, scroll, click, repeat. Social media is an integral part of our society. CNN reports that teens in the US spend an

In a competitive job market, you may think you’ll never find a job in your field of study. It may even be possible that you’ve

Traveling nurses enjoy diverse work atmospheres and learn new skills every day. As they travel from job to job, nurses must be up to date

Many people dream of passive income so that they don’t have to work so hard. But, being a landlord isn’t always easy work. Here’s what

If you are unsatisfied with your income at your current job, you need to take steps to change your life. Do not waste your time

“You’ll need to know this in real life!” How many times has a math, science, or English teacher uttered that phrase? The fact that the

John Grisham, the famous writer who parlayed his law school and practice experience into bestseller books and then movies, painted a high-flying big firm picture

In today’s demanding job market, it can difficult to choose what career path to take, and the skills many employers are looking for are quickly

Your college career is winding to an end. As a last ditch celebration before searching for a job, you decide to buy a ticket to

Some job seekers and recruiters are still unaware of the tremendous human resources and talent that are featured on today’s top resume and job search

A college education is necessary to be professionally competitive and to enter certain career paths (like law or medicine). Unfortunately, the price of college has