Traveling nurses enjoy diverse work atmospheres and learn new skills every day.
As they travel from job to job, nurses must be up to date on skills across the board.
If you would like to try a job as a traveling nurse, try some of these expert tips to help you land your first spot.
Make Your Resume Shine
It’s worth the extra time to create a thorough application and resume to get the job you want. Include all of your work history since the day you passed your boards, along with any additional checklists and skills where you are proficient.
Get all your certifications in order, and remember that the more certifications you have, the more valuable you are to the job.
Get Your License Ready

If you want to leave the state and try somewhere new, you will be required to renew your RN license in that state. The best way to get started it to pick two or three states you would like to try, and start the licensure process there.
If you are flexible and open to which state you are traveling to or the hours you can work, you may have more options. Keep that in mind as you begin the application process.
Learn Hospital Specifics

Do your research on the facility you want to work for. Have they earned any special awards, or done anything special with the community that may influence your work? Feel free to mention this research during your interview to show the interviewer how interested you are.
Don’t Be Afraid to Sell Yourself

Do you have any special clinical experience or communication skills? These should all be highlighted on your application. Pay close attention to interactions not only with patients, but also with supervisors and other coworkers.
Be Patient and On Call
Remember that it may take some time after you’ve submitted your application before you are called for an interview. Don’t get frustrated if you don’t get the first few jobs you apply for.
Always be on call and ready to take an interview call when it comes in.
You are much more likely to get a job if you take the offer right when it comes.
photo credit: Nurses via photopin (license)
photo credit: CREAS Disaster Drill 2013 via photopin (license)
photo credit: Rhön-Klinikum am 20.11.2008 (45) via photopin (license)
photo credit: Wilson HS Clinic 364 via photopin (license)