Sleeping at desk

Tired of falling asleep in class or at your desk while studying? If you are constantly falling asleep midday or before bedtime, you may need a afternoon pick-me-up. But what do you do when coffee just isn’t doing the trick? Try these 6 healthy tips that will revamp your energy levels and replenish your body so you can finish everything you need to do throughout the day even when feeling tired.

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Cinnamon Bun

Looking for something to warm you up this winter? We’ve got just the thing. Here’s a recipe for the best (and easiest to make) cinnamon buns you’ll ever have! Follow this recipe for a quick snack or easy dessert for a party; your friends will melt over these flaky, icy, delicious cinnamon buns (my mouth is watering right now).

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Pushup Exercises

While in college, it can be tough to make time to head to the gym or eat healthy, but it is important to maintain your health not only in college, but before and after, as well! Stay healthy and fit with these 4 easy tips which will help you cut calories and maintain your body even when you don’t have a ton of time to head to the gym or cook yourself healthy meals.

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Standing on Scale

Are you trying to lose weight or tone up? Trying to get ready for spring break? Try setting up an exercise routine, but also start in with your diet. No, you don’t have to change your entire lifestyle or diet, but if you exercise and make these small changes every time you visit the cafeteria, you will be on your way to toning up and losing weight in no time!

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Looking for a quick and easy snack that you can make in your dorm? Want something healthy that is simple AND delicious? Here is a great guacamole recipe that is sure to be a hit! Make it for a snack after class, on the weekends or for a party…. Super Bowl anyone? Check out the recipe here.

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Woman stressed Out

Whether the semester may be starting up or winding down, you’re bound to encounter some stress. Sometimes stress can get the best of us as college students. Learn some simple and healthy ways you can relieve your stress in college and how to maintain a more healthy and peaceful lifestyle!

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It’s sad but true: many college students don’t know how to party safely and often times can lead themselves into dangerous situations. Check out these 5 easy steps that you can take in order to ensure that you will party, have fun AND be safe. If you tend to get out of control or find yourself in bad situations, this is the article for you.

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horror story

Enjoyed the past crazy, embarrassing and hilarious dorm experience stories from the last few weeks? Well it hasn’t stopped. Read the newest stories here. If you love college entertainment and stories from dorm life, you will love reading these new stories and the ones from previous weeks!

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We are all hearing about emotional cheating now with the recent strings of celebrity divorces and break ups. But what is it? Is it a valid deal breaker? How do you distinguish between friendship and emotional cheating? Get the 411 here and decide if you are involved with an emotional cheater.

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Man sleeping in bed

Think napping can’t benefit you or your body? Think again! Napping and getting extra sleep is one of the healthiest and best things you can do for yourself, especially in college. It can be tough to get the recommended hours in college, but if you set aside time for sleep, the benefits are great!

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The year is 2011 and sexuality is an ever-evolving concept. College students are hooking up and mixing up their partners as well as their sexual preferences. However, there are still potential factors that can put your relationships at risks. Learn how to seek out healthy relationships and how to maintain them.

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