Do you go through an existential crisis around 4 a.m., twice a week? If you feel yourself losing it every week or even just once in a while, take a step back and regain control of your thoughts, emotions and your life. Read up on how to relax and get past your college demons one step at a time.
Category: Health
Health is all about tips and advice relating to keeping you healthy and fit during your college experience. Not only does this cover the health of your body, but your mind and soul, as well. We help you by giving you tips on avoiding and treating illness, advice on healthy eating tips, weight control, tips on taking advantage of the gym, and how to keep fit while in college. We also offer plenty of tips to maintain your mental and sexual health so you can avoid burn outs, STDs and anything else college may throw your way. We want you to stay healthy and fit in all aspects of your life and we give you the tips to make it happen.

We shared with you how Facebook can lead to a “digital depression,” but recent studies counter those findings and are now claiming Facebook as an ego-booster! Find out why browsing your Facebook can be a quick pick-me-up and how is can help to boost your ego when you are feeling down.

The Problem: As much as we love cereal, sometimes it just doesn’t cut it. Somettimes we crave something warm, but it has to be quick

Are you a coffee addict? If you’re tired of pounding coffee all day and you’re looking for healthier morning beverage options, look no further! Check out our list of the best foods and drinks that will give you energy during the day, but won’t leave you feeling tired or sluggish by midday. If you’re tired of that old cup of Joe, toss it out and read on!

Are you a college student on-the-go who is looking to grab something quick, but save green and stay fit at the same time? Try out our Take-Out Tuesday’s recommendation which features a different Take-Out item every week that’s quick, cheap and on the healthier-side. See what’s on the menu this week here!

Are you in a relationship without intimacy? Too much emphasis on the sex? Want to feel closer to your partner? No need to worry; there are plenty of ways to become intimate with your partner without having sex. Learn how to achieve intimacy in a sexless relationship.

Ever wondered what happens when you go to the hospital without mom or dad? As a college student, there may come a time when you experience a serious slip, a terrible illness or alcohol poisoning and you have to get to the hospital fast. We break it down into what to do, what to bring and what to expect during your hospital visit.

Are you constantly feeling sad or depressed at school? Do you long for your family and friends at home while isolating yourself from others? If you find yourself unable to cope with the depression, realize that you aren’t alone and find out how you can better your situation so you can find happiness in college.

Are you feeling homesick at school? Do you constantly miss your friends and family or count down the days between vacations? If you want to find happiness at school, follow these 5 tips for dealing with homesickness in college to have a happier, healthier college experience!

Do you constantly waste money each week on groceries you don’t need? Do you spend too much on regular items? If you grocery shop on a regular basis (someone has to keep that refrigerator full), find out how you can save money while shopping so you don’t end up broke at the end of the week!

If you’ve always thought the more friends a person has, the happier they are, think again! A new study finds a surprising correlation between the number of Facebook friends you have and your mental health. Find out how you can minimize the stress and anxiety in your life by altering your Facebook account.

The new life-taking epidemic around the globe? Booze. The WHO recently issued information claiming there are more alcohol-related deaths than violence and AIDS! Find out why, how it affects you and which countries it affects. Learn about how other countries are handling this problem and how it may affect you as a college student.

Are you a coffee or soda addict? Looking the quit, but don’t know of any healthier options to help you through your “withdrawal” ? We’re here to help with the best options for both! Find out the health factors of drinking both soda and coffee on a regular basis and how these healthier alternative will benefit you in the end.

Feel sluggish halfway through the day? Is your stomach growling in class? Eating breakfast is the trick to helping you get through your day. Learn what types of breakfast foods will give you the boost you need to stay alert and motivated in your classes.