Do you constantly waste money each week on groceries you don’t need? Do you spend too much on regular items? If you grocery shop on a regular basis (someone has to keep that refrigerator full), find out how you can save money while shopping so you don’t end up broke at the end of the week!
Category: College Finance
College Finance at College Cures covers necessary college topics like how to make money and how to save college money. Great way to start? Find out how to get a job and how to keep a job! Once you know how to save, we’ll teach you how to get an internship (hopefully a paid internship) so you can discover once you understand how to put money away, opening a bank account becomes a mature step in the right direction. Open a college checking account or college savings account and find info on getting a new bank. College investing and investments can be difficult if you don’t know where to invest or how to invest. We’ll guide you along the journey with college saving tips that don’t just cover how to save money in college but also topics like college loans, scholarships, paying back a loan and much more. Poor college students need to be saving money on the items they buy the most, which is while you’ll see articles about saving money on alcohol and saving money on books. Save money on groceries, clothes, your car and save money on your health!

Love shopping online? It might not be such a safe move. Read about how to secure yourself and your finances when making purchases, transferring money or any other financial-related business you may be conducting via the web. As a college student, you are a target for scams so don’t let them fool you!

We’ve all heard that money can’t buy you happiness, but now it’s time to see why it can’t. After all, being able to buy luxury cars and designer jewelry should be able to make us happy…right? Wrong. If you look at it from a psychological standpoint, you will see that money isn’t always the happiness “money-maker.”

Need some tips on saving money in college? We know you are strapped for cash so by making these small changes in your daily/weekly spending routine, you will be able to cut back on the money you are spending and have extra for weekends or whatever you want. Try these 5 simple tips and save yourself some green this week and for the rest of the semester!

Wondering if you should open a credit card in college? Not sure if you can handle paying your own bills? Check out these money managing tips which will help you to pay your bills on time and build your credit score. The last thing you want to do is damage your credit score by not paying your bills on time so read up on how to save money during the month and how to manage all of your bills.

Thinking of not pursuing college after high school? Not sure of what your options are? Fret not, there are many well-paying job that don’t require a college degree and I’m not talking about flipping burgers. Read on to learn more about career opportunities that don’t require a college education.

Do you write songs or poetry? How about comics stories? If you’re an originator you may want to claim legal rights of your craft. Learn about the process and benefits of copyrighting and get your material copyrighted for as low as $35. Find out more here.

Are you tired of ordering one small item at a restaurant and paying $30 after the bill is split? Consider going dutch! Find out what it means, the benefits, the drawbacks and in what situations it is socially acceptable! If you are on a budget, check out this article.

Ever wondered about student loans? What are student loans, where do they come from, and how do you pay them back? Find out all of the answers and more here. If you want to attend college, but don’t think you can afford it, read up on how to get a federal grant, loan, or personal loan so you can get the education you have always dreamed of.

Need a little extra money after tuition’s been paid off? Learn what a refund check is and how you can be eligible to receive one. If you are thinking of spending your refund check the minute it comes in the mail, maybe you should think twice; consider these reasons for saving the money instead!

Money can be hard to come by in college, but this guide has a few suggestions to help you get around the ever-present money problem that comes with being a student. Not sure of how to make some extra cash? Get some ideas here and start making some extra green for your wallet!

So, how long did your resolutions actually last this year? Have you given up already? Let’s take a moment to re-evaluate your resolutions and why you have or have not stuck with them thus far. It’s a new year, but does it HAVE to be a new YOU?

College is more than just an institute for learning academically. It’s also a place for you to discover aspects of yourself. Learn more about the opportunities you can take to help enhance your college experience. Think you don’t have what it takes to pursue your dreams WHILE in college? Think again!

Buying a car isn’t easy and far too many students are left with lemons because car dealers paint a pretty picture without telling the TRUTH. Here is how you can prepare yourself mentally to buy a car at ease so you wouldn’t be stuck in a bad contract! Never bought a car before? Check out this article!