College life may be stressful, so what can you do to be proactive and be satisfied with your experience? If you find yourself looking for happiness in college, but unable to find it, follow these simple tips in order to be happier, more successful and obtain an overall positive attitude in your life.
Tag: life in college

College has a lot of stereotypes and many of them involve the use of alcohol. But you should know there are plenty of fun and exciting activities you can do that don’t involve the use of alcohol. Learn more about the fun you can have without the use of booze and get more out of your college experience than a hangover!

So you only have a little bit of time between classes, but you still gotta eat, right? Check out these 3 delicious, but easy lunchtime meals you can make in your dorm; no stove or oven required! If you have 5-15 minutes between classes, you have just enough time to put together at least one of these lunch recipes.

Heading to college? Already in college, but don’t know what to bring to your dorm? Check out our list of the top 5 items you will need (and use most) while in college. Don’t fill up your dorm with useless items, grab only the essentials to save money and space, especially in a small dorm room.

Do you constantly waste money each week on groceries you don’t need? Do you spend too much on regular items? If you grocery shop on a regular basis (someone has to keep that refrigerator full), find out how you can save money while shopping so you don’t end up broke at the end of the week!

Looking for some entertainment to crack you up this week? Check out our dorm stories feature each week to make you giggle and be thankful that the stories are not happening to you. If you aren’t sure what to expect when heading off to college, these dorm stories might give you a better idea of what goes on in the dorm!

Are the lines of your friendship starting to appear blurry? Not sure what to think or how to feel? Frienships can be tough on their own, but become especially difficult when feelings get involved. What to do when you are in this situation and whether or not you should jeopardize your friendship for love.

Looking to bring some life to your dark or empty dorm room? How about sprucing up your apartment or room? We’ve got 5 tips for you to liven up your dorm and change the way you feel every time you come home! Check out our tips here and then get to work on making your dorm or apartment a more desirable place to be.

How to make use of those pesky little chunks of time that are too short to do a ton of stuff, but too long to justify wasting them. Find out how to utilize the extra time in your day so you don’t end up being unproductive or bored between classes. Check out our 4 tips to help you make better use of your extra time.

Looking for a way to give your social life a breath of fresh air? Searching for a new expeirence? Joining a club or getting more involved on your campus may be just the way to do it! Learn about the different opportunities available to you on your campus and find how which is the best fit for you.

Are you stressed out all the time before bed? Can’t seem to turn off your thoughts even when you turn out the light? If your sleep schedule is constantly interrupted due to overwhelming feelings of stress or anxiety, you may need some of these tips and techniques to help you manage your stress before bed!

Now that you are in college and off on your own, think you can cut your parents out of your life? Your parents are an important part of your life and just because you are far from home doesn’t mean you shouldn’t call up once in a while. How to keep in touch with your parents and maintain your relationship with them even when you are at school.

Tired of falling asleep in class or at your desk while studying? If you are constantly falling asleep midday or before bedtime, you may need a afternoon pick-me-up. But what do you do when coffee just isn’t doing the trick? Try these 6 healthy tips that will revamp your energy levels and replenish your body so you can finish everything you need to do throughout the day even when feeling tired.

Has your week become boring and monotonous? Are you more predictable than Danny Tanner (sorry I couldn’t think of anything better)? If you find yourself stuck in a weekly rut of going to school, working then going to bed, you need to spice up your week! Try these new things each day and you will be feeling fresh and revitalized in no time.