Now that you’ve passed formal dining etiquette 1, you need a second round of tips to get you through the first course and past dessert. Follow these tips when dining with your boss, your partner’s parents, or anyone else you would like to impress. Dining etiquette is an important lesson and everyone should be familiar with the rules!
Category: Work

Nursing careers are always available. Getting the nursing career you want may be a little tougher. Take note to some the tips and advice that can help you eventually land your nursing dream job. Not sure of your career opportunities in the field of nursing? Find out here!

If you think all the cutlery you need at a proper dinner is a knife, spoon and fork then this article is for you! When dining at a fancy restaurant or a formal place, your place setting is filled with glasses, plates and cutlery. Learn what utensil is used for what function so that you don’t commit the ultimate faux pas whether you are with your boss or your partner’s parents, always make a good first impression!

If you know you have the potential to attend an Ivy League university then you may find some answers here. Don’t fear the financial cost; we all know it’s hard but thankfully, there are several solutions. Here are some of the steps you need to take starting from high school and working your way up to the top!

Do you watch your friends graduate while you are still struggling to keep your head above water? If it isn’t too late, there is something you can do to get on track and stay there. Here are a few tips that helped many college students graduate on TIME without having adding extra stress to their life.

Love food? Love a challenge from day to day? Read and learn more on what kind of careers are available to you, the culinary artist! Learn about what you can do with your culinary degree and the jobs you can aspire to!

Whether you’re religious, spiritual or just curious, a degree in theology can be very worthy to obtain. Learn about the requirements and job opportunities a degree in theology can offer you.

Can’t decide whether you should get a part or a full-time job? Need help on understanding the pros and cons of working in college? Learn more on how to balance your academics and holding down a job. Not sure if you will be able to handle both? Find out what it takes to balance the two.

Listen up all you communication majors out there, there’re are plenty of career opportunities for you. Learn more on you can get the best out of you’re degree as well as what skills and abilities you should be possessing as a communications major.

Trying to save money in the new year? Need your cash from your last job to last you for the rest of the year? How to save money, plan your finances, and work with what you’ve got to make the most of your college experience! If you are having trouble managing your finances, take the new year as an opportunity to do just that!

History majors, ever been told that you won’t be able to find a good job with your degree? Ever been told that the only job available is teaching? Well your horizon has been broadened. Learn what career opportunities are available to you, whether you should switch your major now, and what the future holds for those with history degrees!

Here are 50 jobs for all of you who are in search of a major, a new one, or simply looking for a job. If you are ever wondering what the future holds, here is a sneak peek! Enlisted are the top 50 jobs of 2011! Take a look and see which major is right for you.

Criminal Justice majors, here’s a lost of career opportunities you can consider! Not sure what you want to do after graduation? Unsure of the possibilities available to someone in the field of criminal justice? Check out the list of careers available to you and see which is right for you after graduation!

Thinking about making a difference in todays youth, but you don’t know where to start? Read more on how Teach for America may be for you! Not a teaching major? Not a problem! Teach for America accepts all majors and needs your help today! Join Teach for America and make a difference in a child’s life today!