To take Protein or not to take Protein, that is thy question! So I get this question a lot. Especially from girls. Let me clear
Category: Health
Health is all about tips and advice relating to keeping you healthy and fit during your college experience. Not only does this cover the health of your body, but your mind and soul, as well. We help you by giving you tips on avoiding and treating illness, advice on healthy eating tips, weight control, tips on taking advantage of the gym, and how to keep fit while in college. We also offer plenty of tips to maintain your mental and sexual health so you can avoid burn outs, STDs and anything else college may throw your way. We want you to stay healthy and fit in all aspects of your life and we give you the tips to make it happen.

When you’re packing and preparing to start your freshman year, there are a thousand thoughts running through your head. Believe me, I’ve been there and

Hard hits can be a frequent occurrence in school sports, but recognizing the symptoms of a concussion and other head trauma can be difficult, so

Being broke is what college is all about. Nothing teaches you more about budgeting than trying to eat, drink and have fun on a very

It’s never too late to pick up a new hobby! College is the perfect time to pick up a new activity or sport. Since you

Friends with a student-athlete struggling with drug abuse? Are you a teammate seeing the deterioration of a fellow player? Here are some tips on how to help your friends and teammates dealing with drug abuse in collegiate athletics.

It’s no secret that college students party. But even though partying is a fun way to let loose, there is a darker side to the

In college it’s easy to develop a small addiction to coffee & caffeine. It gets you through those all nighters, or through the days when

Keeping fit and healthy in college is hard to do, especially with a jam-packed schedule of back-to-back classes and all that study and essay writing

Keeping healthy in college is tricky and it is hard to find time between classes, cramming for exams and studying to plan and prepare healthy

What if controlled substances could be used to relieve the pain of someone suffering a terrible illness. Is it worth it versus the potential for

Trying to think of something special for your college sweetheart for Valentine’s Day? Small presents and food always go over well. However, candy and flowers

As the first month of 2012 comes to a close some of our best intentions to keep our resolutions alive may be over too. As the year keeps going, so should we. Here are some tips to keep up your resolutions and goals!

Every year starts the same way. We go into it with great expectations of what we will accomplish and how we will improve and make ourselves even better than we were the previous year. There is often a lot of work you need to do beforehand to make sure you succeed.