More credit cards (and a high credit line) can give you a great credit score! Check out the pro’s and con’s of opening a credit card to see if you’re fit for opening, and more importantly, maintaining credit cards!
Category: College Finance
College Finance at College Cures covers necessary college topics like how to make money and how to save college money. Great way to start? Find out how to get a job and how to keep a job! Once you know how to save, we’ll teach you how to get an internship (hopefully a paid internship) so you can discover once you understand how to put money away, opening a bank account becomes a mature step in the right direction. Open a college checking account or college savings account and find info on getting a new bank. College investing and investments can be difficult if you don’t know where to invest or how to invest. We’ll guide you along the journey with college saving tips that don’t just cover how to save money in college but also topics like college loans, scholarships, paying back a loan and much more. Poor college students need to be saving money on the items they buy the most, which is while you’ll see articles about saving money on alcohol and saving money on books. Save money on groceries, clothes, your car and save money on your health!

Want to save money on food/groceries? Need tips on how to budget your spending while still eating the things you love? Learn some tips on how to budget your cash and get the most out of your shopping experience!