You’re headed into the last semester of this school year! You’re half way there. Most of you will have brand new classes to attend and try to ace. From an outfit standpoint, you now have the chance to re-wear some cute outfit from last semester.

Wiki Commons by Mark J Sebastian
If you were a good student last semester and did well in all of your classes, it’s time to treat yourself to a wardrobe update! Woo hoo.
Here are a few 2014 college fashion trends that you need to keep an eye out for:
This is going to be the top look for the new year. Show off that tummy! Exposing your midriff is really big in 2014. You want to find a top that flatters your body, of course. Make sure there’s no nip-slips happening. Some midriff tops can be tight and leather, others can be loose and long-sleeved. It’s a cute way to make jeans, skirts, pants or shorts look awesome. Trust me, most people won’t even notice your bottoms once they see that cute midriff shirt. If you’re not too comfortable, make the midriff lower, a little belly exposure is okay as long it’s intentional and you’re comfortable and confident.

Flickr by by …love Maegan
Sweater Weather
Oh, this is going to be my favorite I think! Sweaters are in. Right now, I’m seeing a lot of thick sweater dresses with tights and boots. Of course, we’ve had a very cold winter around the nation and a sweater dress is not only easy, it’s comfortable. I could even see super light sweaters worn over swim suits in the summer. Sweaters are here to stay. You can wear them tight and patterned or solid and baggy. Now every season can turn into sweater weather season.
Fringe is another cute way to spice up your outfit with a little bit of pizzazz. You can add fringe to your boots, sweater, jacket, necklace, shirt or dress. Find out what looks cute on you. For small chested ladies, use the fringe on your neckline to accentuate your girls. Curvy girls can use fringe to hide any uncomfortable spots and if you’re more of the laid-back type, grab a fringe purse to keep up with the trend.
Use Your Words
I tend to say this phrase when I’m annoyed. Funny slogans and sayings are popping up all over the place on clothes. We’ve seeing big blocked letters on hats and some cursive writing on sweaters, too. Some of the phrases are cutesie and others are plain vulgar. Find what makes you happy and show it off.
I love new trends because that means new clothes and new ways to show off your special personality.
For a girl’s night out on college campus, browse GCGme collection of night out outfits, cocktail dresses, evening dresses and find the perfect outfit.