Halloween is by far my favorite holiday. Of course, I’m an October baby and I’ve had at least 17 Halloween/birthday parties. So, I’m on the lookout for a good costume starting the day after Halloween.
Here are some college Halloween costumes that you can wear this year:
Daenerys Targaryen (Khaleesi)

Let’s start off with what I’m going to be for Halloween. Daenerys Targaryen (Khaleesi) from Game of Thrones. I’m not blonde, so I’m buying a blonde wig online for $20. This character is so strong and womanly. She is one of the best story lines in the crazy book turned HBO series. I just got into Game of Thrones this year so I decided to show my admiration for the show by dressing up as the best character. The Khaleesi costume can also be paired with Drogo as a male counterpart. SPOILER ALERT: He just died in one of the most recent seasons. All you need for him is a piece of cloth, a ponytail and a dude with a huge body.

This made-for-TV movie was a hit in July. We saw Syfy’s movie all over Twitter and Facebook. Some of us got to experience the movie as it premiered right alongside Shark Week on Discovery. The first showing of the film was watched by 1.37 million viewers, slightly below average audience for a typical Syfy original film, according to Wikipedia. If you never got into the quick moving fad, essentially, a water spout/tornado with man-eating sharks inside hits LA causing chaos. Yeah. That’s right. A shark filled tornado. So. Grab some tulle, a few sharks from the Dollar Store and wrap yourself into the best looking Sharknado the world has ever seen!
Jess from New Girl

Jess is just adorable. This would probably be the easiest costume to get together. All you need is some faux bangs, black thick-rimmed glasses, an outfit that a cute granny would wear and maybe pajamas. If you haven’t watched New Girl on FOX, you should. This is another outfit that you could make a couple outfit with either a girl or guys on your side. Jess is a cooky late-20-something living with 3 male roommates trying to just live life. She loves to teach kids and also loves to love. The guys in your costume could be Nick, Schmidt, and Winston (the roommates). If you have a girl friend that you want to match. Cece, Jess’ childhood best friend and model, would be perfect for you two.
50 Shades of Grey

This costume will be perfect for a couple or just one person. Grab some free grey paint samples from Home Depot, Lowes or a local paint store. Get your strips and make a skirt and/or tie. This is a great clean way to portray a romantic novel that is soon coming to theaters. Plus, wear all grey underneath your paint samples. The couple above is just adorable and I think would be awarded cutest couple at any Halloween party.
Kate and the Royal Baby

I feel like Kate’s outfit when she showed Prince George of Cambridge to the world was specifically so we could dress up like her for Halloween. It’s the cutest and most simple blue dress paired with a baby in a white cloth. Plus, her easy makeup and hair makes this a super chill Halloween costume. You can also grab yourself a Prince William to tag along with you. Just need a man in a light blue button-down and black pants.