Winter break is a great time to relax and spend time with family, but too much time off can result in boredom.
With winter break usually being about a month long, it can be challenging to stay productive. Let’s face it, you’ve been pretty busy these past few months, but now suddenly there is not much to do.
Bored over winter break? Here are 4 ways to stay productive if you’re bored over break:

1. Organize and back up documents
It’s likely documents from last semester are a little unorganized. Go through your folders and organize important documents. Also, it’s a good time to back up your work. You never want to lose the papers you’ve worked so hard on. Computers can crash at any time so it’s good to save and back up any work you want to save.
2. Work on your resume and portfolio
If you are interested in applying for new jobs or internships soon, you should start preparing your resume and portfolio. If you want a place to showcase your work, try creating a free portfolio site using WordPress. After completing your resume, have someone look it over. Visit a career center or ask a family member or friend to critique your resume.
3. Put together new dorm decorations
Start off the semester fresh with new dorm decorations. Instead of buying decorations, make your own. Pinterest is filled with creative dorm decorating ideas. It’s also a good time to organize and develop photos so you can hang new pictures on your dorm walls.
4. Apply for internships
If you have not yet completed an internship while attending college, now is a good time to start looking and applying. At this time of the year, spring internships are probably filled, but it’s still a good time to research companies you’re interested in. If you are at all interested in interning during the summer, you should start researching months in advance, especially if you’re interested in an out-of-state opportunity. There are many internship and job search websites available to assist you with your search.
There are plenty of ways to stay productive during winter break. If you’re stuck sitting on the couch every day during winter break with nothing to do, give some of these ideas a try. Stay productive, but also remember to use this time to relax because you’ll want to feel rested and refreshed when you start spring semester.
Bonus: Build Up Your Cognitive Health
Your cognitive health, even during breaks, is important too! So, during this time, it’s best to still stay productive (and entertained) and honestly, what better way than through video games? Alright, so there’s a lot of debate out there about whether or not video games are actually productive, and it honestly depends really. For example, an old-fashioned card game like Solitaire technically gets you thinking, and you can play this on your device (the main way people play this, actually). But this is just one example; puzzles and even reading books can be a couple of examples of this too.