The U.S. News and World Report has put out a list of seven ways to save money your first year at college. As thousands of undergraduates prepare to return to their college campuses across the country and even more prepare for their first year away from home, saving as much money as possible becomes a top priority. There are many ways you can get swindled or ways to save that you might just simply overlook due to lack of experience.
Here are 7 ways to save money your first year on campus, according to the U.S. News and World Report:
Wait to purchase textbooks.
Although you get your syllabus weeks before classes begin, many times required textbooks are not really “required.” Wait a week or two to feel out the class. Professors might provide all the notes during lecture or give handouts. Often times, pertinent readings are included online as well. Many of these resources can often be found using a strategic Google search.
Buy textbooks used.
If you do have to buy textbooks, buy them used. A little bit of wear and tear is nothing when it could potentially save you a couple hundred dollars. Also ask your professor if buying an older edition is okay. Many times these editions are pretty much the same and just include updated examples of subtext meant to illustrate the main point.
Utilize city transportation.
City buses are your best friend.
Don’t buy the biggest meal plan.
It is easy for your eyes to be bigger than your stomach; but when the end of the semester rolls around you might find yourself left with a surplus on your meal plan that will not roll over to the next term. This translates to dollars that could be saved in the long run.
Get involved with campus organizations.
A great way to meet new people and score free food.
Don’t sign up for credit cards.
Credit card recruiters sniff out prospective college students like a police dog. There are better options that can be found through a little bit of research.
Rent appliances.
No reason to buy any thing. Hard to keep thousand dollar appliances nice in a college setting.
Check out the complete article by U.S. News and World Report by clicking here!
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