Procrastination: Best Online Games to Distract You

You have been working hard on your final paper and your brain feels like it is about to implode. In order to produce your best work on the rest of the paper, your brain needs to be rejuvenated.

There is an excess of mind-numbing games on the internet, but finding the most fun and creative ones is more difficult.

Try going Old School. Do Pacman and Super Mario Bros sound like games that only your parents can appreciate? Think again.

These games are called classics for a reason.

The rules and controls are simple to learn so anyone can face the levels without feeling too stressed. However, the levels do become more challenging the farther you get, so the expert gamer will also find satisfaction with this procrastination.

There is something for everyone. “Run” is a fast paced game involving avoiding gaps along a track where you fall into the oblivion of space. Put on some songs from itunes as you play, and the game will easily become your newest addiction.

The greatest quality of “Run” is your game is automatically saved even if you close out of the page.

There are alot of levels so be patient. Brush up on your card playing skills with this site of popular online card games. The games range from the traditional solitaire to the more recent Uno.

This is site is a perfect way to practice techniques and then carry them over into games with friends and family members. Rohot Unicorn Attack is a game that will appeal to both guys and girls. Unlike other timed racing games, there are no automobiles in this game.

Instead, you play a unicorn racing to catch fairies and crashing through stars that block your way.

This game is exciting, because the speed of your unicorn will steadily increase the longer you race. The cute visuals mixed with the smashing of objects makes this a game for both sexes.

Now that you know the best games to keep you occupied, there are also plenty of ways to distract yourself that don’t involve sitting on your butt!

Try heading over to a friend’s dorm, going to a cafe on campus or even hitting up the gym. There is no better time to get back into shape than just before summer so do something healthy for yourself while procrastinating and check out the FREE eDiets Profile which will help you reach your goals!

With the help of these suggestions and online games, you should be able to successfully procrastinate (or at the very least, take a healthy break from your studies).

Just remember that the point of this break is to restore your energy, in order to better complete the work in the future.

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