Thinking of moving off-campus? Not sure how to go about doing it or which questions to ask? Find out how to go about securing an apartment or house in college so you get the place you want with the roommates you love!
Tag: roommates

Are you discovering traits that you possess, but dislike in other people? Often times we will find ourselves disliking the same personalities traits in others that we see in ourselves. But why is this? Why do we find discomfort in familiarity? Find out more here!

Are you imposing on your current roommate by bringing your significant other around TOO MUCH? Think your roommate might need some more space? Learn how to set boundaries and how to keep the peace between you, your roommate and your significant other.

When it comes to roommate wars, could you be your own worst enemy? Stop finger-pointing, and figure out if you’re doing something to fuel the fire. So stop hatin’ on your dorm mate, and figure out what changes you can make to improve your living situation. Scroll through the following questions, and answer them honestly. (Don’t worry — you won’t be graded.)

Think making chicken parm has to be a huge production? Not with this recipe! If you don’t have an apartment/kitchen and are living in a dorm, try using the community kitchen in your building!

Don’t let yourself get sick! Ward off your common cold with these College Cures and take back your life! Feeling a little stuffy? We’ve got you covered. Already sick? Read on!

College Cures knows how hard it is to live with certain people. CC breaks it down for you with descriptions and tips on how to deal with not-so-perfect roommates! From sloppy pigs to party animals, we show you how to deal with the worst roommates out there!