Everyone is well aware college tuition alone is expensive. Once you pile living costs on top of tuition, getting by can be a challenge. This makes paying for groceries painful.
Just because you are in college, doesn’t mean you always have to rely on Ramon Noodles, macaroni n’ cheese and pizza to get by. It’s all about saving on groceries and managing your budget.
Tips to Help You Save on Groceries:
Split with The Roomies
Buying groceries in bulk at Costco and sharing with roommates can save money in the long run. Although this is a great idea for saving money, it may not be the best option for everyone in maintaining a peaceful household. However, with clear communication and fair splitting, it can be the ideal solution and beneficial for everyone.
Become a Couponer
Grocery stores often hand out coupons at checkout. You can also take some time to browse through your mail to clip them. To coupon successfully, it’s necessary to stay organized. If you prefer paper coupons, create a binder and divide coupons into categories. This will make it easy to find the ones you need when it’s time to head to the grocery store. You could also try using coupon Apps, a much handier and organized approach to couponing.
It’s obvious coupons can help you save on groceries, but only if you use them wisely. Try to avoid buying food just because they have a coupon if it’s not something you usually buy.
Shop Sales
Most grocery stores have sales in every aisle. To save money, focus on buying mostly items on sale. You may have to give up items you really like, but you still can always keep an eye out for sale items similar to your favorites that have different brand names. Sales often come when you buy bulk items, but some grocery stores allow you to buy one or two and still get the sale price. Also, most grocery stores have memberships or reward cards to help you save on items or get some extra cash.
Buy Small Portions of Produce
Has fruit or vegetables gone bad on you before you could eat them? Wasted food is also wasted money. Buying small amounts when you can is the key to saving. For example, split up bananas and only buy 3 or 4 instead of the 6 or 7 that usually come together. Also, try to eat your produce within a few days after you bought them.
Keep Track of Prices
Refrain from throwing everything in your cart without looking at the prices. Try some Walmart.ca coupons as an easy and simple way to reduce prices and find great deals. Keep track of the cost of each item while you are pulling them off the shelves. It helps to bring a notebook so you can jot down the prices to prevent overspending. Then, add them up before you check out to make sure you’re within your budget. If you’re over budget, eliminate anything you do not need.
Once you start practicing ways to save, you will no longer dread going the grocery store each week. Happy saving!