Why Choose Concorde Education For Your After-school Program?

After-school hours can be turned into adequate learning time with the help of a competent afterschool program. This is a significant advantage, particularly for youngsters who study and view things differently.

Moreover, an afterschool program offering esports could be a bonus. Esports in education provides a chance to compete while addressing other needs such as collaboration, interaction, mental fortitude, and transferable skills. Concorde Education may be your saving grace.

Who They Are

Direct instruction, career development, and one-on-one tutoring are the three pillars upon which Concorde Education bases its production of STEM and STEAM courses. They are a vendor for STEM.ORG and collaborate with schools and summer programs all across the country.

They offer traditional after-school programming as well as competitive esports coaching and development planning. They teach the skills and knowledge needed to win. Their expert trainers help with visual design, content creation, and broadcasting.

Reasons Why After School Program is Beneficial to Kids and Teens

Healthy self-esteem is one of the social benefits, while the cognitive and academic returns are some examples of psychological benefits. Character development and stress reduction are two of the goals of many after-school activities.

They have various options available to express their creativity while also expelling excess energy. Children’s personalities are molded by their participation in extracurricular activities. Below are some benefits of rolling your kids into after-school education.


It’s possible that participating in after-school programs can help kids gain experiences and increase their future confidence. The self-assurance attained via participation in these programs, which emphasize extracurricular activities such as coding and robotics, is superior to achieving the highest possible test scores in the classroom.

Children pick their activity selections, assume leadership responsibilities, and participate in community service. This helps them become better at communicating, resolving problems, and tolerating frustration. Having confidence helps us get ready for life.

Boost your health

Kids’ daily routines keep them occupied. Physical activity is suitable for both children and adults. A healthy lifestyle can be adopted by youngsters as young as six years old who are active. It’s essential to maintain a healthy body and a healthy mind.

After-school activities are pretty beneficial to kids as it helps them in avoiding substance abuse and criminal activity. These kinds of initiatives aim to instill in children a sense of the value of good physical health and growth. It’s okay for kids to be aware of this.

Why Choose Concorde Education?

After-school classes include full-day and growth. Your children can participate in many activities, enhance a particular skill, or do both. Both programs emphasize mentorship and training.

  1. Their after-school program includes esports, homework support, imaginative play, STEAM projects, special events, and gymnasium activities. Concorde Education will handle enrollment and have a team supervise your program before your kids return home.
  2. Concorde Education will deliver specialty lessons based on your school’s after-school vision and vendors. They handle enrollment, design a school website, and coordinate enhanced session changeover.
  3. Teams and classes— Need coaching? They can help! Concorde promotes school pride and encourages kids to play athletics.

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