If You Bike Outdoors, Take These Precautions to Protect Yourself

How to stay safe riding your bike

As our current climate continues to be monitored, it is important first and foremost to follow the guidelines put in place by the CDC and World Health Organization.

We are here to answer your questions about bike safety during uncertain times.

Many people are looking for ways to get outside and stay active. Biking is the perfect activity for social distancing and an excellent way to get the blood pumping! Not only does biking have stellar health benefits, but it allows you to see outside the walls of your home, decompress and some much-needed get fresh air. While biking can be extremely fun and rewarding, it’s important to stay safe! See below for some tips we suggest for your next biking excursion.

Do I keep my distance from other riders?

Yes! Especially now, it is important to keep your distance when riding a bike. From an illness perspective, the CDC is recommending all people stay at least six feet apart. Understand that when riding a bike, it’s often hard to judge your distance and stoppage time when hitting the breaks. Staying further than six feet apart is probably the best course of action. When you can, avoid riding in groups all together. The more you are able to ride solo, the better off you will be to protect yourself and others during these times.

Understand your skill level

Riding a bike is a great activity for people of all ages and skill levels. However, understand your skill level and don’t bite off more than you can chew when it comes to choosing the difficulty of your bike ride. This is also true depending on where you ride. If you plan on riding along the beach, for example, understanding that a women’s beach cruiser bike with gears breaks differently than typical cruiser bicycles is important.

What bike is best for me?

A large part of safety is knowing which bike is best for you. Some bikes are more complex than others and can range from basic cruiser bicycles to more complex bikes with gears. If you’re looking for something with a little more range, allowing you to ride on the road, as well as through some terrain, check out these hybrid bikes for sale.

Wear the appropriate equipment

Helmets are required safety gear for most states. It’s not a bad idea to wear gloves while you ride, as well, in case you fall. There’s no sense in rising your safety and health, especially while operating your bike. When in doubt, put on that helmet! If you ride outside while the sun is starting to set, be sure to add blinking lights or safety flag to your bike so you are seen by other vehicles.

Where is the best place to bike in order to stay safe?

When you can, it’s always best to bike where there is a bike lane. These will be clearly marked on roads and highways. Pay attention to the signage and know the rules of the road. Rules alter slightly depending on what state you’re in, so be sure to look up the rules in your area before you hit the road. Neighborhoods often times have less traffic and can also be a great place to bike if you’re looking to escape the house for a bit.

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